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然后最小化窗口。And minimize the window.

然后我开始最小化这个家伙。And I want to minimize that guy.

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要求最短时间和最短路程。Minimize time, minimize distance.

尽量减少簿记开销。Minimize the book-keeping overhead.

受害者对虐待有极度轻视的倾向。Victims tend to minimize the abuse.

他并不会寻求减少神秘性。It does not seek to minimize mystery.

最大限度减少数据和页面大小开销Minimize data- and page-size overhead

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此外,请尽量少用否定。Also, please try to minimize negation.

最小化数据大小和页面大小开销。Minimize data- and page-size overhead.

在每个阶段,我们都努力减少浪费。At every stage we try to minimize waste.

使舾装工时达到最小。To minimize outfit installation manhours.

超脱与精简能够最小化你的担忧。Detach and simplify and you minimize worry.

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思索如何能让用户输入最小化。Think about how you can minimize user input.

尽量减少填写表格的挫败感。Minimize the frustration of filling in forms.

使用有界的上下文,使依赖最小化Use Bounded Contexts to Minimize Dependencies

以下五种方式可以减小担心和不安。Here are five ways to minimize worry and anxiety.

当然我们的目标是尽量将损伤减到最低。And of course our goal is to try to minimize that.

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扎实的轴心可减少偏斜。Shaft drives are heavy duty to minimize deflection.

无线电空中接口使电耗达到最小“蓝牙”基本技术概要Air interface tailored to minimize current consumption

口服四环素可以降低感染的风险。Oral tetracyclines will minimize the risk of infection.