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你们有纪念邮票吗?Do you have commemorative stamps?

哪里可以买到纪念邮票呢?Where can I buy commemorative stamps?

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这些是奥运会纪念徽章。These are Olympic commemorative badges.

有纪念邮票和普通邮票。Commemorative stamps and ordinary stamps.

新纪念邮票全卖完了。The new commemorative stamps are all sold out.

这版新纪念邮票全都卖完了。The new commemorative stamps are all sold out.

市面上也有一些克郎的纪念币。There are also commemorative issues of crowns.

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我要买一套纪念邮票。I'd like to have a set of Commemorative Stamps.

好极了,请给我看些纪念邮票。Great. Show me some commemorative stamps , please.

英国皇家造币厂将铸造一种纪念金币。The Royal Mint will strike a commemorative gold coin.

屠宰户和他挂得像纪念婚礼式的香肠。Kel the butcher and his commemorative wedding sausages.

为纪念这次活动铸造了一枚纪念章。A commemorative medal was struck in honour of the event.

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新的纪念邮票将于下星期发售。The new commemorative stamps will be put on sale next week.

新的纪念邮票将干下星期发售。The new commemorative stamps will be put on sale next week.

出现了赛德克巴莱纪念酒类和脱离子水。There are Seediq Bale commemorative wines and ionised water.

将准备好的纪念币放入上方喷绘口处。Put the commemorative coin well prepared on air brushing mouth.

发行奥运纪念封纪念这个盛大的活动。Olympic commemorative envelopes were issued for the great event.

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村公所里有一块纪念该艺术家的牌匾。There is a commemorative plaque to the artist in the village hall.

在雕塑边,你可以加盖许多可爱的纪念章。By the sculpture, you can print some more cute commemorative stampers.

中国人民银行也发布了一系列的纪念币。The People's Bank of China also released a set of commemorative coins.