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他们是害兽。They are vermin.

这只要把寄生虫除掉的小狗。This dogsbody to rid of vermin.

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他们用烟熏房间以杀死害虫。They fumigated the room to kill the vermin.

他们熏蒸房子以杀死毒虫。They fumigated the house to kill the vermin.

跳蚤、虱子、臭虫、鼠类都是害虫。Fleas, lice, bedbugs, rats and mice are vermin.

按照法定的权利是害人虫。They were the aborigines, vermin by right of law.

它们的祖先是被培养来捕猎害兽。Their ancestors were bred to hunt and kill vermin.

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灭病媒药,杀害物剂根除侵扰的药剂,如虫害的药剂。An agent that eradicates an infestation as of vermin.

散发恶臭、招致害虫、又有碍观瞻。It often stinks, attracts vermin and creates eyesores.

它发出臭味,吸引害虫,有碍观瞻。It often stinks, attracts vermin and creates eye sores.

对农民来说,野兔是一种害兽,因为它吃幼嫩的作物。To a farmer a rabbit is vermin because it eats young plants.

我得帮忙剪羊毛、采收水果和除害虫。I had to help with shearing sheep, picking fruit and hunting vermin.

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违法犯罪的青少年既是害人者,又是受害者。The young who break the law & commit a crime are both vermin & victims.

飞到田间捉害虫,尾巴毒针赛刀枪。Capture a vermin swiftly to field, the tail poisons needle match weapon.

他认为所有恐怖分子都是害人虫,监狱对于他们来说都嫌太好了。He thought all terrorists were vermin and that prison was too good for them.

还有人说,成年人说孩子们“野性难驯”、“害群之马”,司空见惯。And adults routinely describe young people as "feral" and "vermin", says another.

繁殖力超强的蟑螂通过呼吸孔来呼吸,或者是通过每一节身体上的小洞。The hardy vermin breathe through spiracles, or little holes in each body segment.

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当地虫情十分严重,有关部门应充分重视。The plague of vermin is very serious, the authorities should pay enough attention.

扑灭者,根除者扑灭者,根除者,尤指以消除害虫为业的人。One that exterminates, especially one whose occupation is the extermination of vermin.

大蜂螨是危害世界养蜂业最为严重的害虫之一。Varroa mite is one of the most harmful vermin that disserve the beekeeping in the worldwide.