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每个系统采用配对的吸着剂的陷阱。Each system requires the use of paired sorbent traps.

融合封装,可以通过透明窗观察吸附剂的状态。Melting seal packaging, a transparent window makes the sorbent seeable.

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每个吸着剂陷阱安装燃气样品直接进入了陷阱。Each sorbent trap is mounted for gas samples to enter the trap directly.

一个单个探头能操作配对的吸着剂陷阱可以使用。A single probe capable of operating the paired sorbent traps may be used.

为新型的多孔吸附剂的设计与制备提供了一种新思路。All of these provide us with a fire-new clue to new type porous sorbent design.

吸附剂本身制备条件对脱硫性能影响明显。Preparation condition of sorbent has obvious influence on the desulfuration property.

本文对含水乙醇脱水用吸附剂制取无水乙醇过程进行研究。In this paper, we studied dehydrating sorbent of aqueous ethanol to produce anhydrous alcohol.

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膨润土作为一种新型吸附剂在水处理工艺中有着极为可观的应用前景。As a new sorbent bentonite has a extremely impressive application in the water treatment process.

他的观点是力比多是一种立场,他也承认是从Sorbent,Howard获得的这种观点。His idea is that the libido is a field of force, which he gets from Sorbent Howard, as he admits.

制备一种吸着剂的方法,一种用该方法获取的吸着剂,和一种清洗热气流的方法。Method for mfg. of sorbent, sorbent made with such method and method for cleaning stream of hot gas.

以共沉淀法制备的铁酸锌作为脱硫剂的活性组分制备了一种新型的高温煤气脱硫剂。Zinc ferrite prepared by coprecipitation was identified as a novel desulfurization sorbent for hot coal gas.

列举了由褐煤制取固体煤质吸附剂和液体凝胶吸附剂的方法。The methods of making solid coal sorbent and liquid gelsorbent from lignite are also discussed in this paper.

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分别用稀硫酸清洗法及加热再生法对吸附后的脱硫脱硝剂进行再生试验研究。The regenerable investigations were put forward by heating and acid washing for the titanium dioxide sorbent.

由试验得知,改性皮革胶原纤维是一种良好的固体络合剂。From the experimentation, we can drew the conclusion that, leather glue fibril is one kind of good solid sorbent.

利用壳聚糖基金属配合物材料作为一氧化碳的吸附剂,在理论上具有很大应用潜力。So it is possible that chitosan metal complex may have a great potential of being used as a CO sorbent in theory.

考察了玉门炼油厂FCC废催化剂作为吸附剂掺入白土复配成复合吸附剂精制润滑油的效果。FCC waste catalyst is utilized as sorbent for refining lubricant in Yumen Refinery and its effect is investigated.

综述了近年来钙基燃煤烟气脱硫剂的研究情况,指出了钙基燃煤烟气脱硫剂今后的研究重点。Investigation on calcium-based sorbent used for flue gas desulfurization are reviewed and future study is supposed.

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在缓慢释放冷却剂的过程中,吸附剂防止液氮泄漏和溅出。The sorbent prevents spills and splashing of the liquid nitrogen while it does allow for a slow release of coolant.

对兼具吸附和催化剂载体功能的多孔结构活性炭,以乙基纤维素为材料用相分离进行包覆。Activated carbon as the sorbent and catalyst support was capsulated with ethyl cellulose by phase separation methods.

通过为血清中药物的固相萃取选择和确认合适的吸着剂来说明这个方法。The selection and validation of a generic sorbent for SPE of drugs from plasma is used to illustrate the methodology.