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可拆卸EVA鞋垫可容纳个人的矫正。Removable EVA insole may accommodate a personal orthotic.

需配备全接触性的矫正鞋垫,将足底压力平均分布。Wear an orthotic insole to distribute the pressure evenly.

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但是鞋中的矫形嵌入物可能仅在“扁平足”时期有效。But in shoe orthotic inserts it can work only in foot-flat stages.

可拆卸的聚氨酯泡沫鞋垫可以帮助容纳个人的矫正。Removable PU foam insole may help accommodate a personal orthotic.

我需要和矫形骨科医生管理软件。I need a management software for orthopedic and orthotic practitioners.

可拆卸鞋垫供应配件的灵活性,并允许自定义的矫形。Removable insoles supply fitting flexibility and allows for a custom orthotic.

两个可拆卸鞋垫供应配件的灵活性,并允许自定义的矫形。Two removable insoles supply fitting flexibility and allows for a custom orthotic.

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伸展四肢的运动和矫正装置,可纾解不适,就长期而言。Stretching exercises and orthotic devices may relieve discomfort over the long term.

针对原发性脊椎侧弯与雪曼氏驼背症,辅具的团队治疗方式。The Team Approach to the Orthotic Treatment of Idiopathic Scoliosis and Scheuermann's Kyphosis.

可拆卸纺织鞋垫提供全天舒适软垫,并允许您添加一个个人矫形。Removable textile insole provides all-day cushioned comfort and lets you add a personal orthotic.

在短距离跑步中,你可以买一双稳定型跑鞋,并垫上刚性的鞋垫。For your lower-mileage runs, buy a pair of stability shoes and add a rigid over-the-counter orthotic.

注射后佩戴抗痉挛矫形器及常规康复训练。Anti-spasticity orthotic devices were used and conventional rehabilitation treatments were conducted after injection.

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为满足市场需求及首次到访足患者,作即时提供功用性矫形鞋垫治疗。These unique prefabs meet the growing need to provide patients with functional orthotic therapy on their first visit.

观察术后上睑形态和功能的矫正效果及并发症的发生。Orthotic effects of shape and function of upper eyelids as well as occurrence of complications after the surgery were observed.

预制的图案、商店的鞋垫、甚至连实验室一贯用的矫正的鞋垫都是根据处方和实验室结果的不同而变化的。Pre-fabricated devices, store-bought insoles, and even orthotic laboratory 'customized' insoles vary depending on the prescription and lab.

足部专科可建议矫正装置,这是一个复杂的拱支持,定制的足部结构,病人的脚。A foot specialist may recommend an orthotic device, which is a sophisticated arch support, custom made to the foot structure of the patient's foot.

矫形器也可以被用来管理痉挛,降低张力,改善活动范围,预防挛缩和缓解疼痛。Orthotic devices may also be considered in the management of spasticity, to reduce tone, improve range of motion, prevent contractures, and reduce pain.

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随机分组后,不使用矫形器组的病人即刻被鼓励行走,保持脊椎中立位8周。Patients in whom no orthotic was used were encouraged to ambulate immediately following randomization, maintaining "neutral spinal alignment" for 8 weeks.

目前来说,护膝和楔形矫正鞋垫可用来降低股关节患者的膝关节的负担,但是每天都会穿到的鞋子也应该是一个值得考虑的因素。Currently, knee braces and wedged orthotic shoe inserts are used to relieve the load on the knee joints of patients with osteoarthritis, but everyday footwear is also a factor to consider.

许多次,神经间隔垫可建设纳入矫正然后试图分开邻近跖骨,从而消除压力的神经,从而减少疼痛。Many times a neuroma spacer pad can be build into the orthotic which then attempts to spread apart the adjacent metatarsal bones and thereby remove the pressure on the nerve, thus reducing pain.