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恐同症通常是由于恐惧和无知造成的。Homophobia is most often based on fear and ignorance.

个人来说,我认为亚当斯关于同性恋憎恶的集体工作极其重要。Personally, I think Adams’s collective work on homophobia is terribly important.

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北京高校学生自行车环游支持“国际不再恐同日”。Beijing Multi-campus Bike Ride Supports the International Day Against Homophobia.

恐同症是指对同性恋的非理性恐惧、偏见或歧视。Homophobia refers to an irrational fear, prejudice or discrimination towards homosexuals.

对于移民以及少数族裔的攻击很容易演变为仇外、种族主义和恐同症。Attacks on immigration and minorities slide too easily into xenophobia, racism and homophobia.

对于移民与少数族裔的攻击很容易演化为仇外、种族主义与恐同症。Attacks on immigration and minorities slide too easily into xenophobia , racism and homophobia.

这是一个在恐同现象减少但不消失的世界中,展现自我活力的活动。It is self-empowerment in a world where homophobia has dropped precipitously but is far from gone.

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那些旨在导致暴力结果的真实恐同症绝不会成为过去时,它将越来越多。Real homophobia with violent outcomes is not a thing of the past and there is much more work to be done.

它界定了“以貌取人,以形取物”的观念,并与种族歧视、偏见以及对同性恋的憎恶和恐惧如出一辙。It defines the concept of "judging a book by its cover". It stands beside racism, bigotry, and homophobia.

近来,在东欧后社会主义国家爆发的对同性恋憎恶,应该让我们停下来好好思考一下。Recent outbursts of homophobia in eastern European post-communist states should also give us pause for thought.

如果他们将自己认同为民族或种族一员,他们可能会由于异性恋主义者或恐惧同性恋者而遭拒。Ifthey identify as a member of their ethnic or racial group, theymay face rejection due to heterosexism or homophobia.

对同性恋的恐惧和极度膨胀的黑人男性自尊使得鲁弗斯羞于面对自己的同性倾向。The internalized homophobia and the inflated black masculine self prevent Rufus from admitting his homosexual inclinations.

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毫无疑问,恐同确实是黑人社区存在的一个问题,尤其在每周去教堂做礼拜的地区。There's no question that homophobia is a problem in the black community, especially the churchgoing segment of said community.

日前,埃尔顿·约翰对同性恋权益保护者深表敬意,并呼吁世界各地的人们“站起来,对反同性恋偏见说不”。Elton John has paid tribute to gay rights campaigners and urged others around the world to "stand up and speak out" against homophobia.

承认艾伦是英国同性恋仇视最大的受害者之一,是朝平等又跨出了一步,这是人们期待以久的一步。This recognition of Alan's status as one of Britain's most famous victims of homophobia is another step towards equality and long overdue.

这个研究的结果激怒我,使我把这文章题目的最后一个字由“同性恋性向”改为“同性恋恐惧”。The results of this research provoked me into changing the last word of the title of this dissertation from "Homosexuality" to " Homophobia ".

打压同志之宗教人士应当收手,停止暴力,认罪悔改,回归普世人权真理亚孟。Joint the voices that call upon religious leaders to stop fuelling homophobia and transphobia and to act for universal Human Rights for all people.

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该报纸说同性恋正在侵害学校让孩子们也加入其中,这一看法在乌干达十分流行,由此催生了恐同性恋症。The paper said homosexuals were raiding schools and recruiting children, a belief that is quite widespread in Uganda and has helped drive the homophobia.

“今天,制度化的对同性恋的憎恶感已经被抛弃。”杰米·洛佩斯·贝拉,女同性恋、双性恋、男同性恋、变性和变性人议程小组的领导人说。"Today, institutionalized homophobia has been buried, " said Jaime Lopez Vela, a leader of the group Lesbian, Bisexual, Gay, Transsexual and Transgender Agenda.

丹泽尔·华盛顿本人甚至很憎恶同性恋,也惧怕爱滋病,但在被震动之毅然投身诉讼的行为更使人感动。Dan Zelle · Washington myself even very homophobia , also fears AIDS, but in is joined in by the vibration the lawsuit the behavior to cause resolutely person the move.