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还可以用潜伏或活动区分。Also segmented by latent or active.

如果你可以做到,那么你就具有潜在的抑制力。If so, you’re practicing latent inhibition.

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你在学习上还有潜力可挖。You have latent force to develop in your studies.

新任务使他潜在的才智发挥出来。The new responsibilities drew out his latent talents.

由中柱鞘产生侧根及周皮。The pericycle produces the latent roots and periderm.

你的个体性始终潜藏在你的心灵里。Your individuality was always latent within your soul.

青帮另一个潜伏的日本人通知坂田,叶山玉碎。Drew another latent Japanese notify sakata, cascade die.

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集成电路是一种变异称为概率潜在语义。A variation of LSI is called probabilistic latent semantic.

一旦他发现了自己潜在的能力,他就乘船离开了小岛。Once he found his latent abilities he left the island by ship.

介绍了EPROM的潜能和设计应用。Introduced latent energy of EPROM & its design and application.

资产价格可能会上升,但潜在的物价上涨被伪装起来。Asset prices may go up, but latent price inflation is disguised.

在这种场合,潜热加热和辐射冷却数值相当。In this case latent heating and radiation cooling are comparable.

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它把所有潜在的神经衰弱和心生不宁全都浮现出来了。It brings all the latent neuroses and insecurities to the surface.

我们反对这种潜伏恐惧的义乌仿真花市场观点,我们只希看和平接触。We oppose this fear latent view and only wish for peaceful contact.

运用这一方法测定了尼龙66的真实相变潜热。The real latent heat of Nylon 66 is measured by the proposed method.

进化为一个潜在的上帝的人有着潜在的创造的能力。Man, evolving as a potential God, has the latent faculties of creation.

他们不知道我们潜进来了,好好把握这一刻,原力很强大。They don't know our latent came in, seize this moment, force is strong.

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肌肤深层——尖端科技激发肌肤潜在的水动力!Deeping skin-most advanced technology develop latent water-power of skin.

该模型比LSC模型能更好地表示文档空间的潜在语义结构信息。This model can capture more latent semantic structure information than LSC.

但一种文学艺术的发展,却有其自身发展的必然规律。But, the development of one kind of literary art has its own latent principles.