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啄木鸟正在啄木发出啄木声。The woodpecker was drumming.

游隼和橡实啄木鸟。Peregrine Falcon, and Acorn Woodpecker.

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啄木鸟在树上啄了一个洞。The woodpecker pecked a hole in the tree.

放了15年的啄木鸟15终于有机会再次飞行了。Lsat time I flew "Woodpecker" was 15 years ago.

森林里居住着一个樵夫和一个啄木鸟。A woodcutter and a woodpecker lived in the forest.

但千万不要像啄木鸟那样点个不停。But don’t overdo it and peck like Woody Woodpecker.

但倘若看到的是一只啄木鸟的话那她就不会找到如意郎君。But if it's a woodpecker she will find no man at all.

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啄木鸟“笃笃笃”几下就把大树肚皮里的虫吃了。The woodpecker kills the insects in the trees stomach.

啄木鸟酒店是世界上最小的酒店之一。The Woodpecker Hotel is among the smallest in the world.

如果让啄木鸟与家鸽交配,我们会得到什么?。What do we get if we cross woodpecker with a homing pigeon?

如果信鸽和啄木鸟杂交我们能得到什么?What do we get if we cross a woodpecker with a homing pigeon ?

东半球有特殊的扭脖子习惯的啄木鸟。Old World woodpecker with a peculiar habit of twisting the neck.

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例如,白背啄木鸟和八哥。These ones, for example, are white-backed woodpecker and starling.

哗,条红色嘅长形物体系唔系佢条脷,好似啄木鸟噉呢?Wow! Is the long red thread its tongue, like that of a woodpecker?

现在坦克已经允许长驱直入到啄木鸟的家园附近。Tanks are now allowed to drive right up next to some of the woodpecker colonies.

它在树上自由攀登可不能没有这个神奇的尾巴。But they are not enough to stand on the trees. A woodpecker needs help from its tail.

如果这是大自然奉上的一份佳肴,给这份宁静加点作料吧,或是因为啄木鸟的叩击声而兴奋起来吧。Savour the silence, if that's what nature serves up, or thrill to the tap-tap of the woodpecker.

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曾有人在东南部的沼泽森林一带时发现过象牙喙啄木鸟。The ivory-billed woodpecker was once found across the swampy forests of the south-eastern states.

高塔利博士认为发现存活的象牙喙啄木鸟的几率不到1/15625。Dr Gotelli reckons the odds of finding the ivory-billed woodpecker alive are less than 1 in 15,625.

一些象牙喙啄木鸟的模糊影像,让许多科学家相信这种鸟的确还存在。The fuzzy images of the ivory- billed woodpecker have convinced many scientists of the bird's existence.