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雅库茨克的遥远也很不一般。Yakutsk's remoteness is also extraordinary.

那表现出了君主统治远隔性的悲哀部分。That’s a sad part of the remoteness of the monarchy.

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这座美丽的庙宇地处偏远,恰恰使它更具吸引力。The remoteness of this beautiful temple only makes it more appealing.

由于地处偏远,马丘•比丘逃过了浩劫。Aided by the remoteness of its location, Machu Picchu escaped destruction.

事实上,该模式的作用远不止隐藏远程性。In fact, the pattern contains the seeds of more than just hiding remoteness.

青海省地区因地处偏远成为监狱营区用地。The remoteness of Qinghai Province has made it the site of many prison camps.

在寒冷的苏格兰北部偏远的一个小村庄—巴拉特,拥有两家。Ballater, a tiny village in the icy remoteness of northernScotland, boasts two.

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澳大利亚的发展,是人类战胜遥远和荒芜的成果。Its development represents man’s triumph over remoteness and a harsh landscape.

放眼望去,这个地处偏僻的球场却也人声鼎沸,就我一穿皮鞋的装模作样。When we looked around, this remoteness has also crowded stadium, I wear leather shoes, an act.

地处偏僻的日租房,有可能存在抢劫等安全隐患。Remoteness of the rental date, there is looting and other possible hidden safety problems exist.

所以到美国后,我的水彩画开始有了“隔岸”之感。Therefore, in the United States, my watercolor paintings began to pick up a sense of remoteness.

这种于生活最琐碎细微处发现的人生,才是茶道的本质所在。A life like this, found out in the pettiness and remoteness of living, is right the essence of tea ceremony.

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巴塔哥尼亚的遥远和难以到达,使它始终像廷巴克图和香格里拉那样,是一个充满神秘和传奇的地方。Because of its remoteness and inaccessibility, Patagonia has always been, like Timbuktu or Shangri-la, a place of myths and legends.

旅游业的潜力很大,但是海岛所处的位置很偏,且没有足够便利的交通工具。The potential for a tourist industry exists, but the remoteness of the location and a lack of adequate facilities hinder development.

面对现实与理想的差距,海子渴望到远方和麦地寻找自由和幸福。In the face of the distance of realism and ideality, Hal Zi thirsted for and found freedom and blessedness in corn fields and remoteness.

不老温泉由于地处偏僻山中,游客并不多,所以至今仍保有原始的形态,以及宁谧的气氛。Not old hot springs in the mountains because of remoteness , not many tourists, still retain the original form, and the quiet atmosphere.

早期的演播室位于电视塔二楼,可是由于这里地理位置偏远,演播室纷纷转移到市区了。From here popular radio stations used to broadcast. But due to the remoteness of the area, the studios had to move their bases to the city.

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珠儿对她母亲的感情或者是看出了,或者是感应到了,要不就是她自己也觉得牧师已经笼罩在遥不可及之中了。Pearl either saw and responded to her mother's feelings, or herself felt the remoteness and intangibility that had fallen around the minister.

由于地处偏僻,纳瓦霍人还得以在同西班牙以及美国定居者做交易的同时保留自己相对的独立性,亚瑟和戴蒙德写道。That remoteness also allowed them to remain relatively independent while trading with Spanish and American settlers, Arthur and Diamond argue.

但由于一些地区地处偏远且安全形势日益恶化,对一项全国性灌溉项目建设进度的跟踪工作受到了阻碍。But the remoteness and increasing insecurity of some areas have hampered efforts to reliably track the progress of a nationwide irrigation project.