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它不会很快被解决”barton说。It's not going away," Barton said.

到了2013年,他又觉得手痒,想重返工作岗位。In 2013, Barton felt the itch to get back to work.

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朱迪。巴顿,来自堪萨斯州盐湖城。My name is Judy Barton. I come from Salina, Kansas.

史蒂芬妮巴顿,是碧翠丝波特的出版商。Stephanie Barton is Beatrix Potter's book publisher.

一位来自德克萨斯州的共和党代表乔•巴顿说道Representative Joe Barton is a Republican from Texas.

头顶胡萝卜颜色的可爱帽子,整个人看上去都很精神。Mischa Barton goes carrot-top with this cute knitted number.

她只知道卡巴顿对她的欲望,这使她喜悦得心醉。All she knew was a thrill of ecstasy that Cal Barton desired her!

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英格兰杜伦大学的拉塞尔·A·希尔和罗伯特·A·巴顿说。Hill and Robert A. Barton of the University of Durham in England.

露西·斯蒂尔完全控制了巴顿和费拉尔一家。Lucy Steele completely imposes upon Barton and on the Ferrar family.

巴顿将军问是否有必要马上要卧倒在地面上。General Barton said if there was any hurry to hurl down on the ground.

这位得州议员向唐熙华道歉一事引发了一场风暴。Barton. The Texas lawmaker's apology to Mr. Hayward had touched off a storm.

迪拉兹游泳店奥斯汀得克萨斯州巴顿河。河流和小溪钓鱼。Dillards Swim Shop Barton Creek Austin, Texas. rivers and streams for fishing.

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达什伍德家母女在巴顿定居下来,日于过得还算舒适。The Dashwoods were now settled at Barton with tolerable comfort to themselves.

进球的功臣巴顿用他的全场最佳球员奖来慰忌以被解雇的胡顿。And goal hero Joey Barton dedicated his man of the match award to the deposed Hughton.

委员会被保守派控制着,就是他们委任巴顿和马歇尔进入专家组的。The board is dominated by conservatives who appointed Barton and Marshall to the panel.

利物浦对普瑞斯顿的中场巴顿密切关注中。Liverpool, meanwhile, are monitoring the young Preston North End midfielder Adam Barton.

除了已经加盟的维杜卡和巴顿之外,还将有另外两名优秀的球员登陆圣詹姆斯公园。In Mark Viduka and Joey Barton , there have already been two quality additions to the squad.

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Barton不愿透露细节,他表示该公司计划在今年稍后的时间推出服务。Barton wouldn't provide details, saying the company plans to launch its service later this year.

博雷。道森以墨尔本合伙人蒂凡尼·巴顿为艾格瑞在此次交易中担任顾问。Blake Dawson advised Agrium, with Melbourne partner Tiffany Barton leading its advice on the deal.

艾丽丝。阿姆斯丹是一位非正统政治经济学研究专家。Alice Amsden is researcher in the field of heterodox political economy. She is currently the Barton L.