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她是一个标致的红发美人儿。She was a statuesque redheaded eyeful.

一个身材优雅的女性阿凡达走过来,站在他旁边。A statuesque female avatar walks up, standing over him.

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床架轮廓美丽柔和,线条不失流畅。Bedstead is statuesque downy, line is not broken fluent.

因此,任何具备内容的文字都向往一种雕塑般的透明度。Typography with anything to say therefore aspires to a kind of statuesque transparency.

当他伸手拥抱那雕像般优美的身躯时,影像便消失在一片涟漪中。As he reached out to hold the statuesque body, the lovely form dissolved in ripples of water.

他记得他母亲高大的身子弯在煤气灶上搅动着锅里的什么东西。He remembered his mother's statuesque body bending over the gas ring to stir at something in a saucepan.

萨拉是一位如雕像般庄严优美的人类女子,有着蓬蓬的打着细卷的黑发和橙色的眼睛,充满异域之美。Salla is a statuesque human female, with wide, tightly curled black hair, orange eyes and an exotic beauty.

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每一个都和他们所寻求的要注入活力的一个雕像般视野、一整套的理想或梦想紧紧连接。Each is in love with a statuesque vision, a set of ideals or dreams that they have sought to breathe life into.

“艺术的心意”使萧红对自己的作品持有特殊的审美要求,正是如此,萧红抓住了“荒凉”。Xiao Hongs artistic mind works correspondingly an especial atmosphere , which makes desolation statuesque scenery.

Dian很可怜,”古德说,“她很高很高,身材修长而且真的很想结婚。"Dian was a tragic figure," says Goodall. "She was very, very tall, statuesque and really, really wanted to get married.

恢复脂肪代谢机能,切断反弹根源使爱宠瘦胖均衡体形优美。Renewing the enginery of fat metabolism and cutting off root of rebounding so as to make pet having statuesque &perfect figure.

画中人身躯如雕像般平滑,润泽的肌肤搭配充满活力的肌肉线条,与光滑平板的蓝色背景形成强烈对比。The smooth statuesque bodies with skin of creamy and lively flesh tones starkly contrast the reflectively flat blue background.

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由于强大的星光削减着这些冰冷的宇宙山峰,那些残留的雕塑柱看起来如同各种想象中的神兽。As powerful starlight whittles away these cool cosmic mountains, the statuesque pillars that remain might be imagined as mythical beasts.

在前期的强大阵容中,赫斯基与和他同样高大的奥涅乌有过几次交锋,其中赫斯基的一次机会几乎带来第二个进球。In powerful form early on, Heskey won the exchanges with the similarly statuesque Onyewu and one of his flicks early led to a second goal.

然而,拥有5英尺9英寸傲人身材的布鲁妮对萨科齐先生的仰慕的最大佐证恐怕还是为了他而甘心放弃高根鞋的诱惑。However, perhaps the biggest proof of the statuesque 5ft 9in Miss Bruni's admiration for Mr Sarkozy is her willingness to give up high heels.

火车的当班经理,一个叫做简妮特的轮廓清晰的科萨人向我保证我不会有危险。I felt perfectly safe surrounded by these strong women, and the train manager, a statuesque Xhosa called Jeanette, assured me that I would come to no harm.

很少会见到这位身型小巧的法国总统不穿高跟男鞋以缩小自己与身型优美的妻子卡拉·布吕尼的身高差距。The diminutive French president is seldom seen without a pair of elevator heel shoes that lift him closer to the height of his statuesque wife, Carla Bruni.

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这位有着雕塑轮廓的娃娃脸火炬护卫手,在抗议相随的奥运火炬艰难环球之旅的行程中一直守护在火炬手的身旁。The statuesque , baby-faced flame attendant has been flanking torch bearers as the Olympic torch relay zigzagged its way around the world and in and out of demonstrations.

凭借她的表演才能和那非常上镜的金发碧眼、雕像般秀美的容貌,塞隆逐渐成为好莱坞最热门的新星之一。She subsequently went on to become one of the hottest young actors in Hollywood, thanks to a combination of talent and the blonde, statuesque good looks so fervently adored by the camera.

以回收沥青铺设而成的入口车道随着重塑的地形缓缓爬升,穿过点缀着美国黄松的修复草甸,来到以矮墙围合的院落之中。Ascending the re-sculpted landform, the entry drive, built of recycled asphalt, meanders through a restored meadow interspersed with statuesque Ponderosa pines, terminating in a walled courtyard.