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那都是你波西米亚的朋友,对吗?This more of your bohemian crew, is it?

带着一点波希米亚式的反叛,还有一点贵族气的粗暴。A bit of the Bohemian rebel, a bit of the noble savage.

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她的很多行为都被正统的婆婆视为放浪。Her a lot of behavior are regarded as by lineal mother-in-law Bohemian.

几年来,我都过着一种隐退的波西米亚式的独身生活。For a couple of years, I retreated into a life of bohemian bachelorhood.

妮可-里奇的波西米亚式优雅已成为她的标志性风格。Nicole Richie works the bohemian elegance which has become her signature style.

如果你渴望展现自己嬉皮时髦的一面,波希米亚风的发带是很好的选择。Bohemian headbands are the real deal if you're eager to reveal your Hippy chic side.

当地出名的水晶你可以买给自己也可以作为给别人的礼物。The famous Bohemian Chrystal is something you could buy for yourself and as presents.

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是指喜欢艺术且生活方式异于常人的人。A bohemian is a person who is interested in art and lives an unconventional lifestyle.

格特鲁德?史坦因跑到巴黎,来和她的朋友过一种与众不同,离经叛道的生活。Gertrude Stein ran off to Paris to live an eccentric, bohemian life with her writer friends.

一个更大的比生命迈尔斯戴维斯优雅的壁画在波希米亚洞穴俱乐部外面在U街。LifeA bigger-than-life Miles Davis graces a mural outside the Bohemian Caverns club on U Street.

一个大于生活实际的麦尔斯戴维斯优美的户外壁纸那是玻西米亚人的洞穴剧乐部在U街。Life A bigger-than-life Miles Davis graces a mural outside the Bohemian Caverns club on U Street.

时尚专家同意这种看法,更长的波西米亚裙子已经开始卷土重来。Fashion experts agree that since longer and bohemian style skirts have started to make a comeback.

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一个大于生活实际的麦尔斯戴维斯优美的户外壁纸那是…Life A bigger -than-life Miles Davis graces a mural outside the Bohemian Caverns club on U Street.

在她的血管里,生就了那种光着脚板跑江湖、担风险的女人的血液。There flowed in her veins some of the blood of the bohemian and the adventuress who runs barefoot.

还有波西米亚饰物,各种硬朗与优美地饰物通通往身上手上套。There Bohemian accessories, all kinds of tough and soft hands to the body to cover all accessories.

大卫就此被设定为她的心灵伴侣,但墨菲与弗兰科却将其塑造为一个自吹自擂的波西米亚人。David is supposed to be her soul mate, but Murphy and Franco render him a self-dramatizing bohemian.

查铁顿向波希米亚称号的迁移,可能意味着“波希米亚”是困境中的出路。The term migration from Chatterton to Bohemia may mean that "Bohemian" was the way out in predicament.

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要想看上去有波西米亚风格,你可以像妮基·瑞德一样,穿长裙和宽松的棉质上衣,配上牛仔毡帽。For a bohemian look, channel Nikki Reed and don a cowboy trilby with a maxi skirt and loose cotton blouse.

波希米亚俱乐部是一个富人的组织,每年在七月中旬举行为期两周的“假日营”。The Bohemian Club is a rich-man's organization that holds a two-week "holiday camp" in mid-July each year.

球员时代就放荡不羁的球王老马成为主帅后,变得愈发与众不同。The era of bohemian players as coach after the world number one old horse, has become increasingly unusual.