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肝在右肋缘下可触知。The liver was costal margin.

在海岸生长的红木树一般来说都有100米高。Costal redwoods commonly grow over 100 m tall.

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脾尖可以在左肋缘处触知。The spleen tip was palpable at the left costal margin.

为什么紧张会引起肋间神经痛?Why does tense meeting cause costal region neuralgic ?

什么药治疗肋间神经炎?What medicine treats the neuritis between costal region?

肋骨骨折,全愈后有没有后遗症?。Costal fracture, is sequela had after healing completely?

悬饮所致的胁痛,可参阅水饮一节。Hangs drinks the result costal pleurisy, may refer to hot brewed tea one.

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百越族源于沿海地区,后迁居内地。Baiyue Tribe originated from costal regions, and later, the tribe moved inland.

目的探讨螺旋CT在肋软骨骨折诊断中的应用价值。Objective To evaluate the value of spiral CT in diagnosing costal cartilage fractures.

结论螺旋CT扫描对肋软骨骨折的诊断有重要价值。Conclusion Spiral CT has important value in the diagnosis of costal cartilage fracture.

海岸侵蚀来沙与湾外来沙也提供了部分物源。Material from costal erosion and outer sea also contribute part of the sediment source.

目的探讨肋骨骨软骨瘤与肋骨软骨瘤的影像学表现及临床评价。Objective Osteochondroma of rib and costal cartilage tumor imaging and clinical evaluation.

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探讨不同保存方法对同种异体肋软骨移植的影响。To study the influence of the different preservative methods on homograft costal cartilage.

什么是右肋软骨炎。?如何治疗,?要治疗多久。?。What is cartilage of west costal region phlogistic. ? How to treat, ? Should treat how long. ?

在达拉斯,没有限制盖房的规定,they,don’,不像加州。Because in Dallas, t have the restrictions of building house that we have in costal California.

而高过量氟又直接或间接抑制了BMP-2基因在肋软骨中的表达。Exorbitant fluoride inhibited BMP-2 expression in sheep costal cartilage directly or indirectly.

海宝的蓝色代表水,也说明海宝来自沿海城市——上海。The blue color represents the water, which also speaks that Haibao is from a costal city Shanghai.

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住院时,在左肋缘上方有中等度黄疸和一个小疤痕。On admission there was a moderate degree of jaundice and a small scar above the left costal margin.

珠海迪龙电子科技有限公司,成立于2006年,坐落于美丽的海滨城市——珠海。Established in 2006 and located in beautiful costal city-Zhuhai, Zhuhai Delong Electron TechnologyCO,.

这里依山傍海,风光秀丽,气候宜人,是中国独具特色的海滨城市,是中国著名的海滨旅游胜地。Boast with beautiful mountains, beaches, and mild weather, it is also a costal city with many tourist spots.