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他咬了一下嘴唇。He bit his lip.

你把我嘴唇弄出血了。You made my lip bleed.

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将唇线笔用作眼线笔?Lip liner as eye liner?

这种润唇膏是非常棒!This lip balm is great!

世界上最好的润唇膏!The worlds best lip balm!

“嗯,”黛德咬着嘴唇。“Well.” Dede bit her lip.

你可以试试这种护唇膏。You can try this lip balm.

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梅金咬着嘴唇说。Megan said, biting her lip.

他努出他的下嘴唇。He pushed out his lower lip.

她金色的手指搭在唇边。Her golden finger on her lip.

带盖或不带盖的敞口箱。Open tank with or without lip.

口头说三昧。Paying lip service to samadhi.

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怎么样治疗纹唇后遗症?How to treat grain lip sequela?

这是最好的护唇膏!This is the best lip balm ever!

扬起眉毛,上嘴唇向上撅起。lifted brows, upper lip lifted.

和,请不要忘记您的护唇膏。And, don't forget your lip balm.

我的嘴唇被抽裂了,我尝到血的味道。My lip split and I tasted blood.

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他那番话不过是表面文章。He was merely paying lip service.

说到这,乔咬咬嘴唇,停下来不再说了。Joe bit his lip and said no more.

杯口,碟边,火山口。The lip of a cup, saucer, crater.