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我爬了过去。I crawl closer.

让我们游近点。Let's swim closer.

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我们不可能合得更拢。We may not get any closer.

而立场3比立场2更靠近立场5So 3 is closer to 5 than 2.

月光里我们拉近点。Draw closer in the moonlight.

卡布又朝女孩走近了一步。Cabe moved another step closer.

你应该与家人更亲近一些。You should be closer to family.

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歌声由远而近。The singing came closer and closer.

中英政治关系更加紧密。We have seen closer political ties.

做一些靠近家的感觉的事情。Do something to feel closer to home.

安迪跪了下来,好看得更清楚。Andy knelt down to get a closer look.

你能不能站得离他近一点?Auron, you could stand closer to him?

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让我们进一步观察滥告状的行为。Let's take a closer look at tattling.

她把围巾围得紧一些。She wrapped her shawl closer about her.

电视把里里的天下带到我家。TV brings the outside closer to my home.

骨转移的较近视图。Here is a closer view of bone metastases.

让我们更进一步来看看VTS设置。Let's have a closer look at that VTS set.

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胸越小,我们的心越近。The smaller the chest, our hearts closer.

然后再看哪一个十位数最接近你要四舍五入的数字。Then see which ten a number is closer to.

你跟谁比较亲?妈妈还是爸爸?。Who is closer to you, you mom or you dad?