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给你这权柄的是谁呢?Who gave you this authority?

让我重申一下我的权力’。Let me reassert my authority.

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我决非拘泥于权威的人。I am no stickler for authority.

他喜欢行使自己的权力。He likes to exert his authority.

她是语音学权威。She's an authority on phonetics.

权力的源泉在哪里?What is the source of authority?

他是作为有权柄之人来教训的。He teaches as one with authority.

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教员必须表现得有威信。A teacher must show his authority.

他夸口说自己是权威。He boasts that he is an authority.

让我重申一下我的权力’。Let me rerear endert my authority.

不要掉入了常规的陷阱去。Don't fall into the authority trap.

他是语音学方面的权威。He is a great authority on phonetics.

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我认为自由和权威是有联系的。I feel freedom and authority are kin.

所以我并不宣称自己是权威人士。So I do not claim to be an authority.

艺术却被当局封杀、钳口。And art made tongue-tied by authority.

学术结舌失语,饱受当局钳制。And art made tongue-tied by authority.

他蔑视所有权威人物。He disrespected all authority figures.

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网站在其所处行业是权威站点。The site is an authority in its niche.

这与职权的使用是一样道理。This is truewith the use of authority.

每个有权力的人都可以投一票。Every person with authority has a vote.