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我很同情费雷迪。I pity Freddie.

我得到了很多哀怜。I got a lot of pity.

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这是你的哀怜派对。It's your pity party.

可怜那三只手啊!Pity the pickpockets!

恻隐之心在她胸中起伏。Pity heaved her breast.

没有人对我垂怜。None alive will pity me.

可怜!迷惘的一代!Pity the Lost Generation.

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他的心中萌发了怜悯之情。Pity stirred in his heart.

可盲汉不要怜悯。Yet Blindy wanted no pity.

他因怜悯而心软了。His heart melted with pity.

我不需要嗟来之求婚。I don't want pity proposal.

出于同情心我不逼债了。They helped us out of pity.

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他的心里充满了爱怜。His heart swelled with pity.

我不会怜悯你的,我才不。I shall not pity you, not I.

他生病了,真遗憾!It is a pity that he is ill.

穷的单身人士真可怜。Pity the poor single people.

女神,我请求你发发善心。Goddess, I entreat your pIty.

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我同情那些没有逻辑的傻瓜。I pity the fool who's illogic.

巫师带着冷酷的怜悯微笑着。Magicka smiled with cool pity.

遗憾和伤心会毁了你。Pity and grief will destory u.