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一个自我中心的人不能爱,因为爱使人平等。An egoistic person cannot love because love equalizes.

的确,我们这一代的人,好像个个都太精明了。Indeed, many people in our generation seem too egoistic.

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它们忙着搬食物,但蚁群里也有自私自利的家伙。They are busy carrying food, but the ant colony and egoistic.

它并不限于那种自私自利的目标,也不仅仅是经济上的目标。It is not restricted to egoistic goals, much less to economic goals.

也有关于酒的以及微小的自我问题一些像这类的狗屎。about alcohol also and about little egoistic problems.shit like this.

这种自我中心的骄傲是如此的空虚,压根就经不起孤独的考验。Such empty egoistic pride – it doesn’t stand up to the test of aloneness.

如果你想要通过自省揭示自私自利的想法,潜藏的危险更大。The dangers of introspection exist mostly if he is to revel in egoistic thoughts.

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用溺爱态度培养出来的人,是自私自利到所谓透顶了的人。Trained by indulgent attitude of the people, is to the people through the so-called egoistic.

斤斤计较、自私自利的男人,一个铜板看得比磨盘大的男人,会让男人世界黯然失色。Over, egoistic man, a penny more than pan big man, the world will let the man be cast into the shade.

无论一个人表面上是多么的无私,都可以用利已主义来解释他的动机。No matter how altruistic a person appears to be, it’s possible to conceive of her motive in egoistic terms.

施密特这个人特别的斤斤计较,又很自私。他总是不抽自己的烟,而更喜欢从别人那里占便宜。Schmidt is buttoned up and egoistic. He tries not to smoke his own cigars, but prefers to borrow somebody's else.

一个试图要放下自私自利追求和争取一个更深入的了解一个人的连接所有的人事物。One tries to put aside egoistic pursuits and gain a deeper understanding of one's connection to all people and things.

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如果你把自己和人们比较而他们比你弱小,在一些方面比你弱小,那么你将成为非常自我中心的。If you compare yourself with people who are smaller than you, in some way lesser than you, then you will become very egoistic.

小乘并不自私而是厌离心强,真正的菩萨一定是建立在出离心上。Theravada teaching is not egoistic but has a intense will to transcend, on which based the genuine cultivation of Bodhisattva.

在感性和享受的水平上,东西在这里被向心的、自我中心主义的自己所消费——也就是说,被吸收或被环绕。At the level of sensibility and enjoyment, things are there to be consumed---that is, absorbed or encompassed---by a centripetal, egoistic self.

同时,在实施德育工作时,教师作为实践性主体又具有替代性主体与精神自我性主体的双重结构。In giving moral education, the teacher, as the practical subject, has a dual structure of the substitutable subject and spiritual egoistic subject.

这一点也许是唯一能让自私自利的成年人抛去成功、金钱、自由以及独立性以求新生。This is probably the only aspect of life where egoistic adults can leave their success, money, freedom and independence behind for just another chance.

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把利他行为和利己行为放在相对立的位置上,这是绝大多数人所持的观点,也是一些学者所推崇的观点。At the present time, most of people deem that the altruistic behavior and the egoistic behavior are opposite behavior, and some scholars also canonize it.

海洋中的一朵浪花面对海洋能有什么样的态度呢?一片草叶对地球、月亮、太阳、星星又能有什么样的态度呢?所有的态度都是自我中心的,所有的态度都是愚蠢的。What attitude to the sea can a spoondrift have? What attitude can a grass-blade have to the earth moon sun and stars? All attitudes are egoistic and stupid.

庄道生见蒋宇轩如此冥顽不灵,于是一语道破,其实可心并不需要他的保护,他只是为了满足自己的保护欲才对可心过度保护,他才是一个自私自利的人。Zhuang Daosheng see Jiang Yuxuan so slow-witted, then gave away, in fact can not need his protection, he just to satisfy their own desire to be protected over protection, he is an egoistic person.