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接着安西娅记起了她和简的一个愿望。Then Anthea remembered a wish of hers and Jane's.

安西娅要马莎把午饭拿到外边那里去。Anthea asked Martha to bring their lunch out there.

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安西娅说出了赛米德的愿望,它变得非常非常大。Anthea said the Psammead's wish, and it got very, very big.

安西娅第一个醒来,她看看其他孩子。Anthea was the first to wake up and she looked at the others.

可安西娅花了很多时间想她该许些什么愿。But Anthea spent a lot of time thinking about what to wish for.

安西娅走过去和一个有马套二轮单马车的人谈起来,别的孩子等着。Anthea went to talk to a man who had a horse and cart, and the others waited.

安斯。罗森是“全球亲证”的银行与反腐败活动负责人。Anthea Lawson is the head of the Banks and Corruption campaign at Global Witness.

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孩子们站了一下,然后安西娅转身去和其他的孩子说话。The children stood there for a second, and then Anthea turned to speak to the others.

小弟弟睡觉去了,罗伯特、西里尔和简坐下来休息,可安西娅继续挖着洞。Baby went to sleep and Robert, Cyril, and Jane sat down to rest, but Anthea went on working on the hole.

可安西娅接着说了下去。“听着,”她说,“如果你实现了我们今天的愿望,我们就再也不要别的了。”But Anthea went on. ' Listen, 'she said. ' If you do what we want today, we'll never ask you for another wish. '

亚典娜·吞拿和她的姐妹温迪写了一系列关于住在伦敦地铁里的老鼠的儿童书。Anthea Turner and her sister Wendy have written a series of children's books about mice living on the London Underground.

安西妮想买一顶很漂亮的帽子,可店里的那个女人很奇怪地先看看金币,再看看安西娅。Anthea tried to buy a very nice hat, but the woman in the shop looked very strangely, first at the gold coins, then at Anthea.

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世界粮食计划的中国部主任维布女士说,世界粮食计划敦促中国官员准许向北韩和缅甸出口5万吨粮食。Anthea Webb, the WFP's China director, says the agency is urging Chinese officials to allow the export of 50,000 tons for food to North Korea and Burma.