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也不怕卑鄙的偷牛贼。He was not afraid of ornery rustlers.

贱不贱我不管,你失踪了有一个多月了。Ornery or not, You've been M. I. A for over a month.

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当他十六岁时已经是威名远播的射雕英雄了!When he was 16 when is sometimes ornery shoots carves the hero!

指定的赶牛人现在将这些坏脾气的野兽用绳牵着运到郊区。Designated cow catchers now rope the ornery beasts for shipping to the suburbs.

前三个医学学生很生气,因为他们等了我十一分钟了。The first three med students are ornery because they have been waiting for 11 minutes.

这一新的议程延续了英国挑刺儿的时代精神和对政客的不屑。It goes with the grain of Britain’s ornery zeitgeist, with its antipathy to politicians.

上周在洛杉矶,改革派领教了当前体制令人不快的一面。Last week in Los Angeles, the reformers learned just how ornery the current system can be.

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半牛半熊、喜怒无常,以至于连最无畏的勇者也不敢靠的太近的东西是什么?What is part bull, part bear and so ornery that even the hardiest souls are afraid to get too close?

对于很糟的情况,放弃修正的努力,看看是否能欢迎它并接纳它。With a really ornery knot, give up trying to fix it and see if you can welcome it, make room for it.

你是我知道的唯一一个人在国家图书馆读书周故意整天坐在电视机前面看节目。You are the only person I know who would be ornery enough to sit and watch TV during national library week.

当我试图让汽车销售员把价格降低时,他不耐烦地蹭着脚,脾气暴躁起来参见同义词。When I tried to get the car salesman to lower his prices, he became ornery and dug in his heels. See also Synonyms at opposite.

但是他女儿告诉记者,“我父亲是一个普通的牧民,当他知道我母亲的选票无效时很不开心。But her daughter later told a reporter, "My dad's an ornery old cowboy, and he didn't like it when he heard mom's vote wouldn't be counted."

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也可以设想不管电话那头的声音多么粗鲁、不悦、恼怒或争吵,这些年轻的印度人不倦的保持礼貌。Also imagine that no matter how rude, unhappy, irritated, or ornery the voices are on the other end of the line, these young Indians are incessantly and unfailingly polite.

他作为一个鸡蛋里挑骨头的SOB和好斗的训练指导的名声流传已久,但是每一个他麾下的新兵都会永远充满敬意地称呼他。He had a reputation of being an ornery SOB and the epitome of the loud, aggressive drill instructor, but each and every one of his recruits would forever utter his name with respect.