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搞创造对他有无法抗拒的吸引力。Creative work appealed to him irresistibly.

那画很美,它无可抗拒地吸引了他。There was beauty, and it drew him irresistibly.

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大坝塌了,江水狂泻下来,势不可挡。The dam collapsed, and the water plummeted irresistibly.

这行业一直让我不能忘怀的著迷。This profession has been irresistibly fascinating for me.

爱是一种难以克制的欲望,控制不住的渴望着。Love is the irresistible desire to be desired irresistibly.

并且大多数狮子男都具有俊俏的外表和迷人的气质。More often than not, Leo men are handsome and irresistibly sexy.

鲍嘉在影片中扮演一名令女人无法抗拒的酷汉侦探。Bogart plays the hard-boiled detective that women find irresistibly attractive.

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金钱只会让人生出自私自利之心,并诱使富人无法自拔地滥用金钱。Money only appeals to selfishness and always irresistibly tempts its owner to abuse it.

如果你家里还没有这些不可抗拒的植物,那下一年就订购一些吧。If you don’t own any of these irresistibly cheering species, order them now for next year.

劳拉莫西尔唇彩颜色-妍,提供超丰富的色彩是不可抗拒的。Laura Mercier Lip Colour – Shimmer delivers ultra-rich colour in an irresistibly lightweight formula.

使过食成为痛苦而运动成为快乐――你就会不由自主地去做应该做的事了。Make overeating painful and exercising pleasurable—and you will be irresistibly drawn to do the right things.

你家宝宝将会更佳喜爱动物形状咀嚼片,热带水果口味。Your kids will love the fun animal-shaped chewables, bursting with irresistibly luscious tropical berry flavor!

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使吃得过饱变得痛苦,锻炼身体变得愉快——这样你肯定会被牵引到正确的事情上。Make overeating painful and exercising pleasurable --- and you will be irresistibly drawn to do the right things.

加入WTO后,国外汽车维修业进入中国市场势不可挡,必将对国内汽车维修市场产生巨大冲击。After joining in WTO, vehicle-maintenance industry of foreign countries will irresistibly occupy our vehicle-maintenance.

无论如何,2011将是蟹蟹们及其渴望提升形象,树立领导气质以及大出风头的一年。In any case, 2011 will see Cancerians irresistibly wanting to improve their image, becoming a leader, and being in the spotlight.

年青的一代却比我们更紧密地接触实际,他们无可抗拒地同生活所在地联结在一起。The younger generation, who live closer to the ground than we do, are irresistibly attached to the localities in which they live.

“劫坟墓”是一个关于医生为他们的实验而去获取标本的不可抗拒的历史娱乐事件。"Robbing Graves" is an irresistibly entertaining history of how doctors used to go about obtaining cadavers for their experiments.

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不过,其实还有一个持久地受到关注的女性问题,例如“如果穿着一件华丽合身又性感但没有口袋的黑色连衣裙,手机该放到哪里?”As in, "where will I keep my cell phone if I wear this incredibly form-fitting, irresistibly sexy but pocket-less little black dress?"

但沃尔玛是个诱人的方便靶子,而打造一个真正有利于美国工人的政治议程又相当不易。But Wal-Mart is an irresistibly easy target. Crafting an agenda that would really help American workers would be rather more demanding.

在罗杰·考德威尔关于叔本华的文章中,他揭示了到底是什么使这位可爱的、迷人的、令人无法抗拒的哲学家坚持走自己的路的。In his article on Schopenhauer, Roger Caldwell reveals more about what made this charming but irresistibly fascinating individual tick.