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他的房子装饰得很华丽。His house was lavishly adorned.

哈丽特姑妈喜欢大摆宴席,招待宾客。Aunt Harriet used to entertain lavishly.

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他向每一个认识的人慷慨的奉献爱心。He showered his love lavishly on everyone he knew.

在超市把钱浪费在包装好的蔬菜上。Spend lavishly on precut vegetables at the supermarket.

在西伦敦的日子里,科尔为自己的荣誉簿上添上了华丽的一笔。Cole has added lavishly to his honours list in west London.

哈丽特姑妈年轻时,喜欢大摆宴席,招待宾客。Before she grew old Aunt Harriet used to entertain lavishly.

这些枪支往往有着华丽雕刻并镶嵌有黄金。These firearms were often lavishly engraved and inlaid with gold.

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布卢姆是个真正的滥情者。Bloom is a true emotional spendthrift who uses his feelings lavishly.

我的好多时间都糊里糊涂的混过去了,“少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲。”Too much time has been spent lavishly. "a young idler, an old beggar."

同时她也是一位虔诚的佛教徒,耗费巨资修建寺院。She was a devout Buddhist , and spent money lavishly on the construction of temples.

很多国家在其展馆上花费了大量资金,所以上海决定永久保留这些展馆。Many nations spent so lavishly on their pavilions that Shanghai decided to make them permanent.

同时,当地官方访问北京时,驻京办也负责高规格接待。They are also in the business of lavishly entertaining local officials when they visit Beijing.

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于晚上洁肤及爽肤后,均匀地涂于面上,早上用清水或爽肤水清洗即可。Apply lavishly to clean face, and leave on overnight, gently rinse or tissue off in the morning.

每当这条小狗以友好的方式接近一个生人,训犬师就慷慨地奖励她。Each time the pup approached a stranger in a friendly manner, the trainer rewarded her lavishly.

一位僧人在少林寺中躲避阵雪,这些房子是最近几年刚刚重建起来的。A monk seeks shelter from a snow shower in the Shaolin complex, lavishly rebuilt in recent years.

到这里很容易,这要感谢慷慨投资却门庭冷落的约翰默撒机场。It's easy to get here, thanks to the lavishly subsidised but little-trafficked John Murtha airport.

总是大有看破红尘的感觉,见人只说三分话,莫把心事全部抛。Always have the feeling, see world of mortals lavishly only three words, don't put all the cast mind.

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黑石要控制这家公司,其中包括设置员工薪水的权利,包括支付给主管人员的高额薪金。Control of the firm, including the ability to set salaries, will stay with its lavishly paid executives.

人类吃得很丰盛,进他们肚子的都是新鲜肉,而我和其它被囚禁者只能吃一些大杂烩或是干硬块。They dine lavishly on fresh meat, while the other inmates and I are fed hash or some sort of dry nuggets.

缴获武器包括几只手枪,以及装饰上黄金珠宝的高精度来福枪。The confiscated items include several guns and high-precision rifles lavishly decorated with gold, jewels.