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我对莫德纳的进球已经是太过遥远的记忆了。My goal against Modena is now a distant memory.

摩德纳踢得不错,很有进攻性,但是我们一直高度集中精力。Modena did well and were aggressive but we kept concentration high.

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皮奥利是他们的新任主教练,执教过摩德纳。Stefano Pioli is the new coach now, having been in charge of Modena.

二战时,法拉利将工厂从Modena搬迁到了Maranello.During World War II the Ferrari workshop moved from Modena to Maranello.

在年1503至1505年,他当学徒弗朗切斯科比安奇摩德纳费拉拉。In the years 1503-1505 he apprenticed to Francesco Bianchi Ferrara of Modena.

暗红色的墙与铺在木质桌面上的深紫色桌布。The wall of wine and shop are in the modena antependium on woodiness desktop.

摩德纳中场西蒙尼·宾迪禾利奥承认,他对回归到斑马军团中无比向往。Modena midfielder Simone Bentivoglio admits he's desperate to return to Juventus.

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我们会小心应付克罗托内,再下周的对手摩德纳也一样。Crotone should be warned, along with Modena who are our opponents the week after"."

这样便形成了一个多边形与正方形,深紫色与白色的色彩与线条的对比空间。Formed a polygon and square so, the comparative space of the colour of modena and white and line.

在和摩德纳的比赛之前,曼奇尼和他的队友在整个上半赛季都没有这位球员。The player that Mancini and his team mates have missed for all of the first part of the season re-started playing at Modena.

拍卖会周日在位于Maranello的法拉利工厂和测试车道举行。The auction took place on Sunday at Ferrari's factory and test circuit at Maranello, a small town near Modena in the north of Italy.

我希望能在和摩德纳的比赛中上场,去年我们在和摩德纳的比赛中发挥的很出色,希望能重复上一次的表现。I hope I could play against Modena , last year we had an important game at the Emilian side, we hope we can repeat the same tomorrow.

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贝蒂尼在其职业生涯中能够除了国际先后效力过巴勒莫,罗马,乌迪内斯,拉齐奥和摩德纳。其270次顶级联赛经历中一共进了110球。Bettini also played for Palermo, Roma, Udinese, Lazio and Modena in his long career. He scored 110 goals in 270 top-flight appearances.

这项研究是由义大利性医学学会完成的,目前该学会正在摩德纳市举行年度大会。An investigation was carried out by the Italian Society of Sexual Medicine, who are holding their annual congress in the city of Modena.

莫迪纳市的席林博士是位整形外科专家,他相信这不能取代传统的植入疗法。Professor Luigi Celli is an Orthopaedic Expert in the city of Modena and believes it is not a replacement of conventional prosthesis implants.

赛车的继承者360摩德纳,它早在1999年推出,它有许多共同的组成部分,包括其全铝质底盘。The car was the successor to the 360 Modena , which debuted back in 1999, and it shared many of its components, including its all-aluminum chassis.

世界古典音乐和流行音乐的名流们都期望明天能在鲁契亚诺-帕瓦罗蒂的故乡-摩德纳参加他的葬礼。Celebrities from the world of both classical and pop music are expected to attend the funeral of Luciano Pavarotti tomorrow in his home town of Modena.

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包层将被视为从铁路和从毗邻桥连接的两个部分,将成为城市的象征的城市摩德纳。The cladding will be seen from the railroad and from an adjacent bridge that connects the two parts of the city and will become a symbol for the city of Modena.

夫妇俩从摩德纳附近的56号口拐出,离开高速路,沿着土路向北驶入汉布林山谷,不久便达到了一片遍布山艾树的红土地。The couple turned off Highway 56 near Modena and headed north up a dirt road into Hamblin Valley. Soon they'd entered a stark terrain of sagebrush and red earth.

两队的热身结束之后,在球场内的大屏幕上将会播放一个纪念短片,帕瓦罗蒂于昨天在摩德纳不幸逝世。After the two teams' warm up, there will be a tribute video played out on the maxi-screen of the stadium dedicated to the tenor who sadly died yesterday at Modena.