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做一个杂烩。Make a blob.

它们往往是粘乎乎黑糊糊的一团,可以是各种形状。It's a blob and can be of any shape.

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它会变形而成为一个拉长了的滴状体。It will deform into an elongated blob.

Blob头型门挡能够提升头疼药的效果。Blob head door stop promotes headache drug.

在体育课上我想要的是彻底放松。What I want in P. E. class is just to blob out.

将每份杂粮团用塑料袋包装并放入冰箱冷藏。Wrap each blob in plastic wrap and refrigerate.

那么你就会是在行星上最好看的一团。Then you'll be the best-looking blob on the planet.

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或者以全生的冷盘上桌,配有一抹让人燃烧的芥末料。Or, have it cold and raw with a blob of fiery wasabi.

他将刷子浸到油漆里,小心地将蓝点漆成黄色。He dipped the brush in the pot and carefully painted the blue blob yellow.

该系统采用基于基值平面的思想,定位分界线来检测色谱峰。This system detects the blob above the base plane by locating the borders.

而Blob存储则是一种非结构化的方案,对于大文件存储可能会很有用。Blob Storage is a non-structured option, and can be useful for larger files.

他会在某些区域点上一块块的颜料。He would pick out some areas with little blobby dyes blob blob blob blob great.

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他会被喜欢的人力资源和有毒债务的Blob打败邪恶势力?Will he be defeated by evil forces like The Human Resource and Toxic Debt Blob?

#然后将编过码的blob与密匙荷载一起放入envelope。Then, take the encoded encrypted blob and add it to the envelope with key payload.

由于我们并不关心消息的结构,因此将域设置为“BLOB”。Since we don't care about the structure of the message, we set the domain to "BLOB".

如果铅团的形状像船,这意味着新的一年将要去旅行,如果是一个球,就预示着好运。If the blob represents a ship it is said to foretell travel, if it's a ball, good luck.

我并不仅是在讨论制造一些从像破败的熔岩灯的培养皿中溢出的东西。I'm not talking about making something that oozes out of a Petri dish like a broken lava lamp blob.

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在巴塞罗那展示时,他的形象是一个蓝色、泪珠形状的一砣东西,带着露出双排牙齿的笑容。In Barcelona, he appeared as a blue, tear-shaped blob with a toothy grin showing both rows of teeth.

然后通过检测该图在尺度空间中微分滤波器输出的极值,来决定这些灰度块的尺度。The scale of this blob can be determined based on local maximum of differential scale-space filters.

数据库系统中可以存储图像、文档、音频、视频等BLOB数据。BLOB data such as images, electrical documents, audios and videos can be stored in related databases.