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我认为他是个不诚恳的人。I think he is a man of insincerity.

噢,天拉!多么伪善的人啊!Oh, my GOD! What a insincerity person!

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于是,在承认的同时,也就一笔抹杀了自己的不真诚。And then he denies his insincerity by doing so.

她的自吹自擂不过是不真诚的幌子。His bragging is just a front for his insincerity.

清清楚楚的语言的大敌是伪善。The great enemy of clear language is insincerity.

若然我唾弃了什么,必然是因为此人此物的不真诚。It was all because of insincerity if Lakita gave up.

只有你真的是这样想的时候才可以这样说——人们是可以感觉到虚伪的。Only say this if it’s true — people can sense insincerity.

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他眼睛的快速转动泄露了他的不诚。His insincerity is revealed by the quick goggle of his eyes.

在我们哲学的讨论里,发生一种不诚实的情况。There arises a certain insincerity in our philosophic discussions.

逐渐地她的文字中的一丝言不由衷开始令她困扰。Gradually a sense of the insincerity in her words began to bother her.

一点不真诚的气息我们都将会否认整个事情。The slightest whiff of insincerity and we quickly discount the whole thing.

我不能说我已经不再羡慕那些,但是对我而言,去效仿它们只能显露出我的毫无诚意。I cannot say that I no longer admire them, but for me to imitate them involves a certain insincerity.

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一个很奇怪的转变,尽管,当面道歉,人们更加不容易发现不诚恳。In a strange twist, though, people are less able to detect insincerity when apologies are directed at them.

但在许多地方,这些生命迹象是模糊的形式主义和诚意的教会领袖。But in many places these signs of life were obscured by the formalism and the insincerity of church leaders.

在从另一方面分析关于波拿巴没有诚意的推测时,我有权这样争辩。I have a right to argue in this way when suppositions of his insincerity are reasoned upon on the other side.

诚实守信是面明镜,不诚实的人在他面前,都会露出真相。Honesty's keeping promise is the noodles clear mirror, the person of insincerity will peep out true facts in his in front.

工人代表愤怒地离场抗议。工人代表表示,无法达成共识是因为资方无诚意。Workers' representatives walked out in anger, saying no consensus could be reached due to the insincerity of the employers.

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然而,这些恐惧制造者的前后矛盾以及他们可能不诚实的态度并没有妨碍在政策争论中产生巨大的影响。Yet the inconsistency and probable insincerity of their fear-mongering hasn’t stopped it from having a huge effect on policy debate.

而黄昏的时候,走在街头,没有了冬日的厚重,却有了一分想要飞的感觉。But dusk's time, walks in the street corner, did not have the winter insincerity , actually had the feeling which one point wish flies.

这帮学究们还说他们是为了语言文字的明确性而战,对此我敢肯定根本就是毫无诚意的无耻谰言。Pedants will also claim, with what I am sure is eye-popping insincerity and shameless disingenuousness, that their fight is only for 'clarity'.