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过来,向我的看远镜里瞧瞧,您就会知道我是对的。Come and look through my tele scope, and you will see that I am right.

你可以将这种全新的媒体想象成自己所看的书,也可以将它们想象成电视。You might think of this new medium as books we watch, or tele vision we read.

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他觉得聋人也可以享受电视的乐趣,他想为电视节目配上字幕。Malcom Norwood thought that deaf people could enjoy tele vision programs, too.

减低色差。主要用于远程素及缩放。Apochromatic correction using AD elements. Mostly used on tele primes and zooms.

目前处于低谷的电信业经过“挤水分、排泡沫”的调整阶段,一定会重新振兴。Up to now, the tele com industry at low tide will re-collect after the regulation.

本文设计研制的机器人触觉临场感系统能对现场的物体进行分类、识别。The study of tactile tele presence technique injects energy into robotic development.

三脚架或者脚架能让你即使是使用长焦镜头,也能获得清晰的影像。Otherwise a tripod or monopod can help you to get sharp pictures even with a tele lens.

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西班牙自1998年市场开放以来,通信业显示出强劲的增长势头。Since the opening of market in Spain in1998, increasing trend has shown in tele com industry.

介绍了一种已经实际应用的无人值守GPS固定站远程数据下载系统。A tele data download system at unattended GPS fixed stations is reported, which has been applied.

特别是,用的是22X变焦正在使用的镜头,特别是在长焦端会缓慢。Especially, with this new, industry best 22X zoom lens being used, it may feel especially slow on the tele end.

如今关于刚果恐龙的证据,仅仅只有一张毫无说服力的1981年发布的照片,照片是一个怪物漂浮在刚果河支流泰莱河上。A photo released by a 1981 expedition of the monster floating in Congo's Lake Tele has been largely discredited.

我抉择与本地邮局核实一番,看看那封电报是否送到了白瑞摩手中。I decided I must check with the local post office that the tele gram had really been put into Barrymore's own hands.

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提出用于电视电话会议、远程教学、监视与监控等场合的人脸实时跟踪方法。A robust real time face tracking algorithm for tele conference, tele education, surveillance and monitoring was presented.

弗卢米嫩塞的传奇球星包括曾在1982年和1986年两次带领巴西征战世界杯的桑塔纳。Legendary Fluminense players include the late Tele Santana, who went on to manage Brazil's World Cup squads of 1982 and 1986.

结合遥操作机器人仿真系统进行计算机仿真,结果表明了改进措施的正确性。Combining the simulation system of slave arm for tele operation, computer simulation is processed. It is proved that measures are correct.

2005年,奥运会跳水冠军田亮因频繁参加商业活动而被国家队除名。Olympic diving gold medallist Tian Liang was kicked off the national team in 2005 for taking part in a rash of tele vision ads and endorsements.

口译也出现了多种新形式,如接力式同声传译、可视会议口译、电话口译、媒体口译等。Therefore, new types of interpreting have come into being, such as relay SI, visible conference interpreting, tele -interpreting, media interpreting, etc.

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对于望远镜头来说这木有问题,但是用超广角镜头时,所涵盖的部分极化效果差异巨大。This is no issue with a tele lens, however with a super wide you are sweeping such a broad expanse that the polarizing effect will vary greatly across the sky.

如此,它们告知这两家公司它们希望修改他们之间的许可条款以获得在联合与增值方面争取更多的自由。As such, they informed Tele Atlas and NavTeq that they wanted to modify their license terms to allow more liberty with respect to syndication and proliferation.

在他正准备支起三脚架拍摄这一美景时,突然间看到了这些长尾叶猴,它们正享受着这些红花的美味。I prepared my 600m tele on the tripod, and as I was composing the image I suddenly saw Hanuman langurs, which were treating themselves to the sweet red blossoms.