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小花是否盛开?Did the floret bloom?

花开花落缘份几何?The flowers bloom fate?

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春天,百花齐放。Flowers bloom in spring.

玫瑰花开得正旺。Roses are in full bloom.

而现在正是春花烂漫时节。Spring was in full bloom.

祝你三八节乐开花!Wish you joy bloom march!

我是保罗·布罗姆博士My name is Dr. Paul Bloom.

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那棵苹果树开满花。The apple-tree is in bloom.

花在春天开放。Flowers bloom in springtime.

朵朵鲜花开满原野。Flowers bloom in the fields.

番红花在春天开放。Crocuses bloom in the spring.

爸爸,紫丁香开了!Dad, the lilacs are in bloom.

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即使有樱花开放。Even if cherry-flowers bloom.

秋天,许多紫苑花开放。Most asters bloom in the fall.

大多数的紫菀在秋天开花。Most asters bloom in the fall.

爱情之花将开始绽放。Romance is beginning to bloom.

我在盛开的花丛中翩飞。I am in the flowers that bloom.

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春花满正开。Spring flowers bloom so bright.

春暖五月枝叶繁。Spring warm may branches bloom.

玫瑰每隔几天开花。The roses bloom every few days.