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我会把这里给夷为平地。I'll raze this place to hell!

强震把这个都市夷为平地。The earthquake do the country raze to the ground.

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使这个城市剩下的东西从地球表面上消失。Raze what was left of the city from the surface of the earth.

党卫队将军杰尔根。斯特如普注视着被他的部下一位平地的华沙犹太人区。SS General Jurgen Stroop watches his troops raze Warsaw's ghetto.

仅美国储存的核武器就足以毁灭地球。The nuclear weapons stored by the United States alone are sufficient to raze the planet.

的民族英雄的名字从他们的记忆中抹去。The conquerors tried to raze the very name of the peoples national hero from their memories.

征服者妄图把人民的民族英雄的名字从他们的记忆中抹去。The conquerors tried to raze the very name of the peoples national hero from their memories.

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清理掉了那夫妇的路,然后把它们夷为平地。The city had deemed the crumbling edifice structurally unsound, clearing the way for the couple to raze it.

维德的第一个任务是摧毁绝地圣殿,其麾下是501兵团的精锐克隆人士兵。For Vader's inaugural mission to raze the Jedi Temple, the elite clone troopers of the 501st accompanied him.

接着,他指派这名新徒弟摧毁绝地圣殿,以防绝地叛徒打回来。He next tasked his new apprentice to raze the Jedi Temple before the treacherous Jedi could strike back at them.

政府想要把贫民窟夷为平地,让数百万计贫困居民迁到高楼大厦中,并且让开发商建造昂贵的公寓。The government wants to raze the slums, move millions of poor people to high-rise buildings and let developers build expensive flats.

下一个目标就是聚集一支能够极快的在白天时间段扫光被感染的人类建筑的部队。The next goal is to amass a battalion of troops that can quickly raze infested Terran structures during your brief windows of daylight.

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但如果说北京六百年历史的胡同最近的经验提供了什么指引,那就是,任何一方都别对发展商指望太多。But if recent experience in Beijing's 600-year-old hutongs is any guide, neither side can expect much satisfaction from the developer who wants to raze their homes.

最理想的加垫措施是在进门外放置一块胶质清洁地垫,在吸湿的同时,有助于刮去附着于鞋上的污垢。Optimal imposes mat measure is a colloid and clean mat is placed outside taking the door, in moisture absorption while, conduce to raze adhering to the bilge on the shoe.

需要好几亿的联邦金钱来采办地盘,拆除修建物,搬迁居民,因为这座财务匮乏的城市无力自己完成这一切。Hundreds of millions of federal dollars will be needed to buy land, raze buildings and relocate residents, since this financially desperate city does not have the means to do it on its own.