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一切艺术都是模仿。All art is imitation.

你戴这顶皮帽子真漂亮。A hat made of beaver fur or an imitation.

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比亚迪F8可谓是一款模仿的经典范例。BYD's F8 is classic example of imitation.

别的都是骗局,都是苍白的仿制品。Anything else is a sham, a pale imitation.

已经是一座宏大的仿宋建筑群。Imitation of the Song architectural style.

运用语言是从模仿开始的。The use of language begins with imitation.

他能逼真地模仿狮子吼。He gives a good imitation of a lion's roar.

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他比较了仿造品和原来的作品。He compared the imitation with the original.

模仿不只是一个小小的新能力。Imitation is not just some new minor ability.

学语言就是一种模仿。Studiesthe language is one kind of imitation.

所?楷模只是真?事物的仿造品。A model's just an imitation of the real thing.

儿童通过模仿学说话。Young children learn how to speak by imitation.

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这人穿著一件人造革皮夹克。The man was wearing an imitation leather jacket.

我希望你的故事鼓励其他人仿效。I hope your story encourages others to imitation.

可能模仿是奉承的最恳切的形式。Maybe imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.

这所房子是仿造古罗马别墅式的建筑。The house was built in imitation of a Roman villa.

因此,人造板的质量要比实木的稳定。Thus, imitation board quality than wood stability.

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这是他对他教授的作品一味模仿。It was a slavish imitation of his professor's work.

这名顾客发现了假冒品。The customer detected an imitation from a real thing.

仿膳,可理解为对皇家饮食的模仿。Fangshan, can understand the royal food for imitation.