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阿米莉亚与贵族加布里埃尔‧阿多诺相恋。Amelia's lover is the patrician Gabriele Adorno.

生于贵族家庭,他的家族曾产生过几名罗马执政官。He was born into a patrician family that had produced several consuls.

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成年雄性银背大猩猩,在族群中扮演者严厉的统治者的角色。Adult male gorillas, called silverbacks, play the role of stern patrician.

这一时期屋大维也很好受到了贵族教育。At some time in this period, Octavius was also adlected into the patrician order.

像哥哥彼得一样,她也有着灰色的眼睛,身材苗条,举止优雅。Like her older brother, Peter, she had gray eyes and a slender, patrician elegance.

他口齿清晰,相貌俊朗,但同时也有些贵族习气,自命高雅。He is articulate and handsome, while also coming across as a patrician and a bit of a snob.

麦尔维尔家世显赫,有傲人的家族传统,且本人勤勉上进,然而仍一贫如洗,没有受过大学教育。Despite his patrician upbringing, proud family traditions, and hard work, Melville found himself in poverty with no college education.

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当然,拉丁词一般可以回溯到古典罗马时期,在当时的语境中,client是指得到贵族资助的庶民。Latin words of course usually originated back in Roman antiquity and in that context a client was a plebeian under the patronage of a patrician.

提到”下城“,这个系列某些设计散发的贵族感觉更加酷了-绿色天鹅绒长大衣的皮质口袋。Make that “downtown, ” for this collection shed patrician style for something more cool — as in a leather satchel hitched across a green velvet gown.

这位以姓名首字母FDR为名的总统出身于纽约州的富贵家族,拥有在艰难时期向美国人传递信息的天赋。The president, known by his initials, FDR, was a wealthy patrician from New York State with a gift for communicating his message to Americans in those hard times.

但如果幸福的定义以及如何拥有幸福是由一群学者和政府顾问说了算,那么他们只能被视作高高在上的贵族——而且理所当然,他们就是如此。But if a bunch of academics and government advisers decided what they meant by happiness and how to have more of it, they would be deemed patrician – and rightly so.

清朝中叶以后出现旗地向民地转化的趋势,经营方式则由传统的农奴制向租佃制转变。After middle period of Qing Dynasty, the proprietorship of soil was changed from patrician to fresh landholder , and management method was changed from slavery to tenancy.

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这使得经济拖累了共和国政治和市民的发展,贵族阶级和平民阶级之间的敌对行为周期性爆发。As a result the economy lagged the political and civic development of the republic, and there were hostilities which broke out periodically between the patrician and plebeian classes.

我们理解他破灭的美国梦,也理解他为什么要为自己编造一个贵族家庭的身世和一个英国味儿的姓氏——盖茨比。We understand his frustrated American dream, and we understand too why he felt the need to fabricate for himself the pedigree of a patrician family with the Anglo-sounding surname Gatsby.

他瘦高个子,带着一种贵族气质,来自德克萨斯州南部一个富裕家庭,二战时,他在意大利当过轰炸机飞行员,战争结束后当选为众议员。Tall and lean with a patrician bearing, he came from a wealthy South Texas family, and after service as a bomber pilot in Italy during World War II he was elected to the U.S. House of Representatives.