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用类似人形的炮弹射击红色的求。Shoot the red ball with a humanoid cannonball.

而人形机器人是机器人世界的名人。Humanoid bots are the celebrities of the robot world.

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它是世界上最先进的类人型机器人。It is one of the world's most advanced humanoid robots.

类人的赛昂人如何能够接入电脑?How are humanoid Cylons able to interface with computers?

乳黄色皮毛的埃贝是个身材矮胖的人形生物。The cream-furred Ebe is a rotund humanoid of small stature.

HRP-4C是最先进的人形机器人之一。HRP-4C is among the most advanced humanoid robots out there.

讨论仿人机器人的仿人IEEE-RAS国际会议。Humanoids IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots.

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莎克·蒂是托格鲁塔人,是来自希利星的人形种族。Shaak Ti was a Togruta, a humanoid species from the planet Shili.

伊希提卜人是两足人形种族,头呈五角星形。The Ishi Tib are a species of humanoid bipeds with star-shaped heads.

他们是一个人形种族,皮肤粗糙得像革一样,头上没有头发。They are a humanoid species with coarse, leathery skin and bald heads.

他们的特征是类飞禽,让他们看起来像人形的鸟或者猛禽。Their features are avian, making them resemble humanoid birds or raptors.

它的问世将为人型家务机器人的商业应用开辟道路。It will open the way for the commercial use of humanoid robots doing housework.

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这就是有自主认知功能的仿人机器人查理。Meet CHARLI, the Cognitive Humanoid Autonomous Robot with Learning Intelligence.

博萨人是人形种族,身材短粗,面部有毛发覆盖。Bothans are a humanoid species characterized by stocky builds and fur-covered faces.

研究的目标是利用肌电信号实时控制仿生手的运动。The objective of this study is to control humanoid robot in real-time by using EMGs.

提出了一种对仿人型跑步机器人的运动学进行分析的新方法。A new method was presented, which can analyze the kinematics of humanoid running robot.

克劳代特人是中环星域佐兰星原住外星人的一支分支,他们的基因分化纯属意外。Clawdites are a genetic offshoot of the humanoid natives of Zolan, a planet in the Mid Rim.

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该控制方法已通过仿人形机器人的遥操作控制实验得到了验证。The control method has already verified by humanoid robot teleoperation control experiment.

奥拉?辛是一位形象简洁的人形异族人,肤色苍白,长长的手指沾满猎物的鲜血。Aurra Sing is a laconic humanoid alien with chalk-white skin and long, bloodletting fingers.

一个仿人机器人,可以学习面部表情动作,如果看到有趣的东西它还会一直盯着看。A humanoid robot head that can learn facial gestures and look at things it finds interesting.