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田野在颤抖,地平线作出痛苦的表情The fields quivering, the skyline a grimace

从皇家山上看到的蒙特利尔。The Montreal skyline as seen from Mont Royal.

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这条小路通向崎岖的山顶。The footpath climbed towards the craggy skyline.

无论如何也不可能决定巴黎的建筑。It's by no means causative of the skyline of Paris.

未来天际线是这座城市最主要的电影地标。The futuristic skyline is the city's top film landmark.

2007年10月,天际线的一家客户在某省中标。October 2007. A Skyline client wins a bid in a province.

上图中是喀布尔的轮廓图和兴都库什山脉的雪山。Above, the Kabul skyline and the peaks of the Hindu Kush.

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它可能是世界上气味最棒的地方。It may be the most beautiful-smelling skyline in the world.

纽约的地平线上只剩下了一团白云。All that was left of the New York skyline was a chalk cloud.

在雾天很难看见城市的天际线。On smoggier days, it is difficult to see the city's skyline.

今天,上海的地平线上耸立着400多座摩天大楼。Today, Shanghai’s skyline is dotted by more than 400 skyscrapers.

那里甚至还有一个露天咖啡台供人们远眺佛罗伦萨的天际线。There's even a cafe terrace looking out over the Florence skyline.

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每座新大楼的落成都会重新勾画上海美不胜收的地平线。Each new tower has redefined the much-photographed Shanghai skyline.

看到灰色的天空柔和了地平线的边缘,稍稍让我释然些。I was relieved the sky was gray, softening the edges of the skyline.

在天边来往交错的是无尽的反重力交通流。Crisscrossing the skyline are streams of unending repulsorlift traffic.

起重机把佛吉尼亚州北部繁忙大街上的天际轮廓线弄得乱七八糟。CRANES clutter the skyline along northern Virginia’s busy thoroughfares.

滚滚黑烟覆盖了雅典上空,太阳已被浓烟遮暗。Clouds of black smoke filled the capital's skyline and obscured the sun.

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这样一来,天空下建筑独特的轮廓别有一番滋味。This allows the building to create a unique profile against the skyline.

朝你右肩后方看去,圣以撒大教堂巨大的金制圆顶伸入了天空。The massive golden dome of St. Isaac's Cathedral rises above the skyline.

从大马士革艾美酒店上眺望大马士革夜景。Overhead view of Damascus skyline at night from Le Meridien Damascus Hotel.