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什么是绿道?What is the "greenway"?

一条林荫大道环绕着该岛。A greenway circumnavigates the island, buffering views.

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在美国,绿道已经成为一件颇有影响力并能带来机遇的事物。In America, greenway has become a big issue as well as a big opportunity.

总结国际上所开展的绿道规划的发展趋势。The recent trends in greenway planning around the world are highlighted in this paper.

第二代绿道以步道和非机动车通行为特点。The second generation of greenway is characterized by trail-oriented and non-motorized travel.

深圳市绿道运动用品有限公司,是绿道高尔夫企业有限公司旗下的子公司。Shenzhen greenway sports goods Co. , Ltd, Is a subsidiary of the Greenway Golf enterprise Co. , Ltd.

但不同地区需要建立适合各自城市风貌特色的绿道网络。Also, the different regions need to build greenway systems which are very suitable for local features.

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与北美相比,欧洲的绿道建设具有很多自身的特点。The greenway research and construction in Europe is quite characteristic in comparison with that in North America.

对于绿色开放空间,如果你能像绿道规划理论建议的那样尊重自然法则,绿道自然会提供给你。For the green open spaces, if you respect the nature, as the greenway planning suggest, then they are given to you.

座落于达拉斯唯一的Greenway公园附近,这间房子已经市场上挂了四个月,期间价格一直没有变动。Located in Dallas's exclusive Greenway Parks neighborhood, this home has been listed at the same price for four months.

最后对欧洲绿道的发展趋势作了展望。Moreover, the future development of ecological greenway networks as a strategy within nature conservation in Europe is prospected.

探讨了适合城市绿道系统的规划方法及模式,对未来绿道系统规划趋势进行了展望。Researches have been done on the planning method and model suit for urban greenway system and the future trend has been looked into.

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这个项目力图用绿道联接场地的过去、现在和将来,以及廊道沿线的地理节点。The program is striving to have the greenway link together past, present and future as well as geographic points along the corridor.

其间有趣的景点包括格林威的阿加莎·克里斯蒂故居,以及当地的夏朴罕葡萄园和奶酪工厂。Interesting sights on the journey include Agatha Christie’s former home at Greenway and the local Sharpham vineyard and cheese dairy.

XERO项目超越了竞赛底线创建了一个交叉的绿色通道延伸至整个社区。XERO Project reaches beyond the proptrey lines of the competition block to create an intersecting greenway that extends into the whole community.

绿道项目的多换乘点交通规划是非常好的第一步,但是在后续的阶段,需要进行城市层面的进行更广泛的考量。The multi-nodal mobility planning of the Greenway project is an excellent first step, but future phases will need to consider a broader citywide perspective.

城市绿道在当今城市发展中为改善绿色空间环境增添了更多可能,并对生态环境保护起到了重要作用。Today, urban greenway helps to create more and more green space in the city's development, and has significant effect on protecting the ecological environment.

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虽然绿化隔离带规划思想在当时是进步的,但是它缺少同时代的绿色通道概念具有的生态和休闲等内在优势。Although the planning idea of greenbelt is enlightened at that time, it is lack of ecological and recreational attributes of that of greenway contemporaneously.

近年来,我市大力推进绿道建设,努力把绿道建设成为发展经济之路。In recent years, the Zeng Cheng Government puts great effort to speed up the construction of greenway in order to make greenway the road to the economy development.

尽管很多城市绿道沿着诸如河流、溪流、海岸和运河等水道,还有另一类是沿着景观废弃的铁路线。Whereas many urban greenway corridors follow waterways including rivers, streams, shorelines, and canals, another type of corridor came on the sceneabandoned railroads.