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IBM日本鼓励灵活工作时间。IBM Japan encourages flexitime.

没人的执行力比IBM更好了。Nobody executes better than IBM.

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我是IBM公司,我该怎么帮你呀?IBM corporation . How can I help you?

IBM推出5150个人计算机。IBM introduces the 5150 personal computer.

通用汽车、西尔斯、IBM都是顶级公司。GM, Sears , IBM are all top-class companies.

IBM的比喻演化成一个事后产生的想法。IBM metaphor into more than an afterthought.

国际商用机器公司一直是个家长作风很强的雇主。IBM has always been a paternalistic employer.

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同时,IBM公司还为该系统提供了500千兆字节的存贮空间。IBM is also providing 500 terabytes of storage.

要是这事进展良好,则IBM将回报丰厚。If it comes good, IBM should be richly rewarded.

不过,他使用的是IBM的“蓝色基因”超级计算机。Instead, he uses an IBM Blue Gene supercomputer.

20多年前,IBM公司推出了初级个人电脑。Just over 20 years ago, IBM introduced the PC jr.

同时更好的稳固用户对IBM忠实度。And more stabilize IBM user's loyalty than before.

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欢迎光临IBM上海公司的正式开张典礼。Welcome to the official launch by IBM of Shanghai.

微控制器,带有指点杆从IBM微码。Microcontroller with TrackPoint microcode from IBM.

彭明盛先生把IBM变成一个赚钱机器。Mr Palmisano turned IBM into a money-making machine.

北大方正公司与IBM达成了技术合作联盟等。Founder and IBM arrive a technique alliance, and so on.

是8“数元”字符代码。主要用于IBM设计上。An 8-bit character code used primarily in IBM equipment.

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它是通过插件来提供的。It is provided by the plug-in.

这正是郭士纳在IBM的时候做过的事情。This is what Lou Gerstner did when he turned around IBM.

BM正准备收购莲花IBM is going to take over Lotus or try to take over Lotus.