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可译与不可译是一个相对的概念。Translatability and untranslatability are a relative concept.

双关语的可译性一直是翻译界争论的热点。Puns translatability has been a hot debate in the field of translation.

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这些测试将检查软件的译本和本地化情况。These tests check the translatability and localizability of the software.

在众多的悖论中,可译与不可译是一对古老的二律背反命题。Translatability and untranslatability is one pair of the paradoxes with long history.

从语言功能看可译性问题是一个行之有效的方法。It's an effective method to study translatability from the point of language function.

分别控制运铁蛋白和铁蛋白的稳定性和可转译性。Controls mRNA stability and translatability for transferrin and ferritin, respectively.

本文试图提出“文化图式”这一概念,指出文化图式具有可译性。The article presents the concept of "cultural schema" and discusses its translatability.

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可译性问题从来都是翻译中一个具有争议性的问题。The problem of translatability has been disputable in the history of translation studies.

可译与不可译性问题向来为译界所关注。Translatability and Untranslatability have been a chronic talk in the field of translation.

然而文化的可译性限度却影响着中华文化的译介。However, culture translatability limitation has influenced the translation of Chinese culture.

在特定的条件下,文化上的不可译性可以转化为可译性。Under certain conditions, untranslatability in culture can be transformed into translatability.

对于英语言语幽默的可译性和不可译性没有统一的答案。There is no uniform answer as to the translatability and untranslatability of English verbal humor.

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文章对英语笑话译成汉语的不可译性问题进行了经验式分析。This study is an empirical study of the translatability and untranslatability of Chinese jokes into English.

本文也将指出其不足之处。同时,针对其可译性提几点解决建议。This paper is also to point out its disadvantages and suggest some ways of settlement of its translatability.

不同文化之间虽然存在不可译性,但也存在意义相近的对应词。Translatability sometimes seems impossible between different cultures, but equivalents close in meaning do exist.

然而,语言系统的开放性决定了不可译向可译性转化的趋向性。However, development of languages has formed the transferring tendency of untranlatability towards translatability.

本文从语言的认知表达功能、文化功能和美学功能探讨可译性问题。From the perspective of language functions, this paper studies the problem of translatability and untranslatability.

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此外,文章在现有诗歌翻译理论和观点的基础上,讨论了歌词的可译性。Moreover, the translatability of lyric will be discussed based on the theories and arguments about poem translation.

这样以来,可译性支持将需要大量的代码变更,或者将会大大增加可译性的成本。This will require a huge amount of code change for translatability support or a greatly increased translation cost later.

本文旨在从英汉文化差异视角探讨英汉可译性的相对性。This thesis intends to probe into the relativity of translatability between English and Chinese from intercultural perspective.