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换钱吗?Change money?

我该怎样转车呢?。How to change?

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换张新的?Change new one?

变到大调Change to major.

更换食用油。Change your oil.

改变一个习惯。Change one habit.

~改变体位。Change positions.

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换水了。Change the water.

它能否改变?And can it change?

改变自己味蕾。Taste buds change.

换割刀。Change the cutters.

山是不会变换位置的。It does not change.

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我必须换车吗?Must I change cars?

我在哪里可以换车?Where can I change?

改变思维定势。Change the mind-set.

改变你的模式。Change your pattern.

我需要转车吗?Do I need to change?

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这是找头。Here is your change.

它会变颜色。It can change color.

这是您的找零。This is your change.