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我已经失弛缓症,因为我是7岁。I have had achalasia since I was 7 years old.

我遭受失弛缓症在过去25年。I suffered from achalasia for the last 25 years.

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贲门失弛缓症通常发生在年龄25-60岁的成年人。Achalasia typically occurs in adults aged 25-60 years.

我30岁的时候,我被诊断为贲门失弛缓症。I was 30 years old when I was diagnosed with achalasia.

测压评价食管贲门失弛缓症病人,在1。Manometric evaluation of the esophagus in a patient with achalasia.

目的探讨内镜下气囊扩张治疗贲门失弛缓症的疗效。Aim To evaluate the effect of endoscopic balloon dilation for achalasia.

贲门失弛缓症的发病率约为每年每10万1人。The incidence of achalasia is approximately 1 per 100,000 people per year.

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我被诊断为贲门失弛缓症时,我痛苦后症状为一对夫妇年8或9岁。I was diagnosed with achalasia when I was 8 or 9 years old after suffering symptoms for a couple years.

腹腔镜微创手术为贲门失弛缓症下进行了5套管使用全身麻醉。Minimally invasive surgery for achalasia is performed under general anesthesia with the use of 5 trocars.

目的探讨可回收防反流食管支架对贲门失弛缓症的治疗作用。Objective To explore the curative effects of recycled anti-reflux esophageal stents on cardiac achalasia.

目的探讨导尿管球囊扩张治疗环咽肌失弛缓症的可行性。Objective To explore the feasibility of catheter sacculus expanding therapy for cricopharyngeal achalasia.

目的研究麻醉胃镜下贲门失弛缓症气囊扩张治疗的效果及患者对治疗的反应。Objective To study on the efficacy and safety of treating achalasia by gastroscopic balloon dilation under anesthesia.

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暂时性金属内支架扩张术在远期仍能显著改善患者的吞咽功能及松弛率、降低LES压力。Temporary metal internal stent dilation had lower LES pressure and disorder of deglutition for achalasia at long term.

目的探讨经内镜大球囊扩张治疗贲门失弛缓症的疗效和安全性。Objective To evaluate the efficacy and safety of endoscopic direct optical large diameter balloon dilation for Achalasia of cardia.

食管贲门失弛缓症的为需要的是非常罕见,即使在一食道扩张的存在,并应预留失败后切开术。The need for esophagectomy for achalasia is very uncommon, even in the presence of a dilated esophagus, and should be reserved for failures after myotomy.

某些食管病患者可以并发此病,例如膈疝,狭窄、贲门松弛不良以及食管憩室或咽袋患者。Recurrent episodes occur in some oesophageal diseases includinghiatus hernia, stricture, achalasia of the cardia, and in patients with diverticula or pharyngeal pouch.

贲门失弛缓症手术最好的表演与特殊的知识,培训和胃吞咽障碍的管理经验的外科医生。Achalasia surgery should preferably be performed by surgeons with special knowledge, training and experience in the management of gastroesophageal swallowing disorders.

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所有患者接受治疗的贲门失弛缓症,应遵循由内视镜监视,因为他们都在为鳞癌和腺癌的发展增加风险。All patients undergoing treatment for achalasia should be followed by surveillance endoscopy, because they are at increased risk for development of both squamous and adenocarcinoma.

食管与贲门失弛缓症是一个显着扩张或和乙状结肠形食管患者的标准治疗方法,认为在这种情况下Heller术无效。Esophagectomy was the standard treatment in patients with achalasia and a markedly dilated or sigmoid-shaped esophagus, with Heller myotomy considered to be ineffective in such cases.