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人造大理石透明度不好,而且没有光泽。Scagliola diaphaneity is bad, and without burnish.

大部分人是希望在这里能赚取足够的钱,并且给自己的履历表添光加彩。Most expect to make good money and burnish their curricula vitae.

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红色后代特别需要亮明他们的红色身份。Princelings have a special need to burnish their red credentials.

我甚至花时间雕了一尊我父亲的半身像,并把它擦得锃亮。I’ve ever had time to sculpt a bust of my father and to burnish it.

或者用细砂纸打磨,在家具上留下磨损的痕迹。Perhaps use burnish of fine sand paper, tatty mark leaves on furniture.

从造型线条到打磨装饰,已经有了脱胎换骨的变化。Decorate to burnish from model lines, had had the change of thoroughly remould oneself.

许多人因为担心自己的工作,正力图改善和其他公司的关系。Many people, fearful for their jobs, are trying to burnish their contacts at other firms.

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中义一种用来使装订上金属叶的书背磨光的石材工具。A polished stone tool used in bookbinding to burnish the edges of books after applying metal leaf.

挑选具有光泽的反光布质来装饰墙壁、天花板和木家具。Choose those who have burnish to glance cloth decorates wall, ceiling and wooden furniture character.

梅德韦杰夫及随行人员显然是以东京为代价寻求彰显其民族主义者的身份。Medvedev and his entourage apparently sought to burnish Medvedev’s nationalist credentials at Tokyo’s expense.

第一要检视萨科奇先生是否愿意视地中海俱乐部为一个比法国自身大放异彩更重要的计划。The first test is whether Mr Sarkozy is willing to see Club Med as more than a scheme to burnish French glory.

但是传记主人从他人那偷走功劳来擦亮自己犯罪打击者形象的习惯也感染了描述手法。The memoirist's habit of stealing credit from others to burnish his crime-busting image has infected the narrative.

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业务范围有超平环保地坪、环氧树脂地坪、聚氨酯地坪、耐磨地坪等。Business ranging from Super Flat Burnish Floor , Epoxy Floor , Urethane Floor , Hardener Floor , Polish Floor , etc.

滑面布料,如擦光印花棉布磨光棉布、仿古缎子、真丝和波纹绸等。Sliding surface cloth, if brush smooth calico, burnish damask of cotton cloth, archaize, real silk and ripple are silken etc.

然而,这些经验还援引打磨总统布特弗利卡军方支持的政权的凭据。Yet, these experiences are still invoked to burnish the credentials of the military-backed regime of President Abdelaziz Bouteflika.

不过现在奥巴马正在寻找机会,以期改善与大企业之间的关系,因此他有可能会从一个新的视角看待这个问题。But with the President scouting for opportunities to burnish his relationship with big business, he could give the idea a fresh look.

这引起一片怨恨,不仅帮助中国提升了国际形象,也激起了亚洲各国对这次美国经济危机掩藏不住的幸灾乐祸。That caused resentment, helped burnish China’s image and inspired some scarcely concealed glee at America’s comeuppance a decade later.

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处于从华尔街发散开来的经济危机中,领导的示范作用有助于光鲜“美国”这一品牌。In the midst of a financial crisis seen as emanating from Wall Street, a demonstration of leadership would help burnish "Brand America".

在被认为从华尔街刮起的这场金融风暴中,领导力的证明会使“品牌美国”打磨得更加光亮。In the midst of a financial crisis seen as emanating from Wall Street, a demonstration of leadership would help burnish “Brand America”.

他认为这个数字的下降很大部分是由于中国试图在北京奥运热身阶段擦亮其国际形象。The decrease, he says, is largely the result of China's attempts to burnish its international image in the run-up to the Beijing Olympics.