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他们在大西洋中作之字形前进。They zigzagged across the atlantic.

大西洋的任务艰巨而又危险。Atlantic duty was hard and dangerous.

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为什么大西洋是最咸的大洋?Why is the Atlantic the saltiest ocean?

绝路桥坐落于挪威的大西洋之路。A bridge on the Atlantic Road in Norway.

庸鲽神经坏死病毒。Atlantic halibut nervous necrosis virus.

他们在大西洋海底铺设了一条电缆。They underlaid the Atlantic with a cable.

大西洋月刊的撰稿人大卫·费得曼写道Atlantic contributor David Freedman writes

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大西洋盐度增加。Increasing salinity in the Atlantic Ocean.

河水朝西南方向流人大西洋。The river flowed southwest to the Atlantic.

于是他往南游向深深的大西洋。So he swam off south into the deep Atlantic.

您的巨缆依然吞吐着北大西洋。Thy cables breathe the North Atlantic still.

你的机会是用一艘筏子在大西洋上航行。You blow is on a raft and sail the Atlantic.

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“涛波赛”号是艘有名的小艇,他已经多次横渡大西洋。It has sailed across the Atlantic many times.

海地角海地北部位于大西洋的一座城市。A city of northern Haiti on the Atlantic Ocean.

狂风突然猛袭大西洋海岸。A strong gale swept down on the atlantic coast.

查尔斯·林德伯格独自飞跃大西洋Charles Lindbergh Flies Solo Across the Atlantic

我想乘坐热气球飞越大西洋。I want to hop the Atlantic by a hot-air balloon.

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大西洋把美洲和欧洲分隔开来。The Atlantic Ocean separates America from Europe.

然而,沃最近切断了与大西洋关系。However, Vaux recently severed ties with Atlantic.

单枪匹马驶向大西洋需要很大的勇气。It took courage to sail the Atlantic singlehanded.