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我享受这样难道只是装装。Do I enjoy it just opossum.

这是负鼠的骨头。Here is the one of the opossum.

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你吃过糠虾吗,味道好极了。Have you tried opossum shrimps? They are very good.

德国斗鸡眼负鼠将现身奥斯卡。Cross-eyed opossum to join the Academy Awards Ceremony.

是狗将白鼻心追上了杏子树。It is the dog drives the opossum up in an apricot tree.

负鼠是如此惊讶和尴尬,他说不出话来。Opossum was so surprised and embarrassed he couldn't speak.

负鼠看着明亮的光泽围绕他的尾巴缠剪彩。Opossum looked at the bright shiny ribbon wrapped around his tail.

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羊毛和粗,负鼠通常用于轮船和男子的大衣。Woolly and coarse, opossum is often used for liners and men's coats.

当他在舞蹈赶到,导致负鼠兔对他的专座。When he arrived at the dance, Rabbit led Opossum to his special seat.

因为森林生境的碎片化,美国的负鼠种群正逐渐减少。Opossum populations in the U.S. are down due to the fragmentation of their forest habitats.

只有夜行性动物除外,如蝙蝠、猫头鹰、负鼠或老鼠略举几例。The only exceptions are nocturnal creatures such as bats, owls, opossum or rats to name a few.

一根是羚羊的,比浣熊,一根负鼠的、,一根老鼠的。They gave me an antelope which is actually a little and they gave me an opossum and they gave me a mouse.

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告诉他们我需要更小的动物,例如负鼠,或田鼠、家鼠“,他们说“行I said, "Look, I need a smaller animal, an opossum maybe maybe a rat, maybe a mouse," and they said, "okay."

这只斗鸡眼负鼠还没在莱比锡动物园公开露面,就已经成了德国最闪亮的媒体焦点。The cross-eyed opossum is Germany's biggest media sensation, and she has not even made her debut at the Leipzig Zoo.

负鼠海蒂六月六日,正搬入位于德国莱比锡动物园内的「冈瓦纳古大陆」热带体验世界的新家。Opossum Heidi moves into her new home at Gondwanaland tropical experience world at the zoo in Leipzig, Germany on June 6.

一只对视着你的负鼠轰动了互联网,也因此搬进了德国莱比锡动物园。Heidi, the cross-eyed opossum who became an Internet sensation in December, moved into new digs at the Leipzig Zoo in Germany.

在有袋目动物中,如负鼠和袋鼠,妊娠和非妊娠母兽的黄体存在时间相似。In marsupials, such as opossum and kangaroo, the life span of the corpus luteum is similar in pregnant and nonpregnant females.

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这对负鼠姐妹2010年五月1日来到德国,然后一直被隔离,所以她们在动物园没有被展示。The opossum sisters came to Germany in May 2010 and have been in quarantine since, so they have not been on display at the zoo.

在有袋目动物中,如负鼠和袋鼠,妊娠和非妊娠母兽的黄体存在时间相似。In marsupials, such as opossum and kangaroo , the life span of the corpus luteum is similiar in pregnant and nonpregnant females.

不过,这只斗鸡眼负鼠还没在莱比锡动物园公开露面,就已经成了德国最闪亮的媒体焦点。Still, Heidi the cross-eyed opossum is Germany's biggest media sensation , and she has not even made her debut at the Leipzig Zoo.