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言辞是他的谋生之道。Words were his way of ordering the jostle of life.

他还必须与天翻地覆的金融体系进行一番搏斗。And he will jostle with a financial system turned upside down.

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国外的经济问题也需要引起奥巴马的注意。Economic problems abroad will also jostle for Mr Obama’s attention.

球员们在争夺球时真实地拼抢。Players jostle and collide realistically while trying to win balls.

绝望的境地使得女人为了有限的救灾物资和男人们展开了竞争。Desperation has driven women to jostle with men for limited relief supplies.

色彩鲜艳的渔船与“世界号”等游轮争奇斗艳,热闹非凡。Brightly coloured fishing boats, jostle with cruise ships, such as The World.

由于底部成长模式与推挤效应两者之作用,奈米碳管因而能整齐排列垂直于基板。The well-alignment of tubes is due to the base growth mode and the jostle effect.

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高昂的制作成本可能会导致这些电影在争夺大屏幕的时候自相残杀。Costly productions could wind up cannibalizing each other as they jostle for screens.

因为在春天繁花盛开,蜜蜂的忙碌的翅翼也彼此摩挤。For in the springtime flowers come in crowds, and the busy wings of bees jostle each other.

在我生活的城市,也有这样的一条小巷,每天人声鼎沸,行人摩肩接踵。In the city I live, there is a lane, every JALEO, pedestrian jostle one another on the way.

我们生而不足,生而无知,孜孜以求一些日常竞争的粗略常识。We are the flawed ones, the innocents, trying to make some rough sense of the daily jostle.

受洪水影响的人挤在瑙谢拉在粮食救济巴基斯坦西北部上周五,2010年8月6日。Flood-affected people jostle for food relief in Nowshera in northwest Pakistan on Friday, Aug. 6, 2010.

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由于船要争夺湖上的位置,一些渔民极其担心他们的生计问题。As boats jostle for space on the lake, fishermen are getting desperately worried about their livelihoods.

但在我那不规整的花床上长得不错,尤其在初夏,它们蓝光闪闪的花与大戟挤挤挨挨地开作一处。Still, ideal for my informal borders where their blue starry flowers jostle with euphorbias in early summer.

在北京一个寒冷的周日早晨,当焦急的购房者们在一个市中心的售楼处外排队时拥挤不堪。Eager buyers jostle as they queue up outside a city centre housing complex in Beijing on a cold Sunday morning.

研究者只知道在交配季节,它跨越冬季和春季,有大约20挑雄鲸追逐着一条雌鲸。What researchers do know is that during breeding season, which spans winter and spring, up to 20 males jostle to get close to a single female.

车子、卡车、公车、摩托车、计程车、人力车、牛群、驴群,还有狗群在喇叭声响和尖锐煞车声中争夺每吋道路。Cars, trucks, buses, motorcycles, taxis, rickshaws, cows, donkeys, and dogs jostle for every inch of the roadway as horns blare and brakes squeal.

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她说,由于各国争夺战后基础设施,公用设施和石油合同,将会出现普遍的竞争。She says much of the wrangling will take place in the corridors as countries jostle for post-war contracts over infrastructure, utilities, and oil.

我就必定要研究话语,如果我想要从尽可能多的角度研究它,那么各式各样的的语言结构令我眼花缭乱。I study speech, I study speeches, and if I do so, and if I keep thinking about it in a variety of ways, all sorts of frameworks jostle for attention.

最后,第三层次,显现的是,不同生产形式之间的冲突,不同的生产方式在历史上不断地发生冲突。Finally, at the third level what comes out, what is made manifest is the tension or clash among modes of production as they jostle each other historically.