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权力属于拥有主权者。Power inheres in the sovereign.

这是他又一非常关键的论述。He is the sovereign representative.

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作为独立、平等的主权国。Being sovereign and equal to others.

这个国度是什么时间成为主权国的?When did it to geta sovereign country?

伤风感冒没有灵丹妙药。There is no sovereign remedy for colds.

君主不可能永远做到公正,为什么?The sovereign can never act unjustly, why?

主权国拖欠债务也绝非天方夜谭。Sovereign default is far from inconceivable.

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用他那至尊的眼媚悦着山顶。Flatter the mountain tops with sovereign eye.

摩洛哥是个有主权的独立君主国。Morocco is a sovereign independent monartery.

也就是说,君主并不享有对国家的所有权。Rather, the sovereign does not own the state.

神的主权和人的自由能相容吗?How can God be sovereign and man still be free?

不过,这与霍布斯的论述是大相径庭的。But this is very different from Hobbes' sovereign.

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另外重要的一点是,中国是我们的主权国。And also importantly, China is our sovereign power.

在英国,君主是国家元首,但不治理国事。In England, the sovereign reigns but does not rule.

金镑今天已成为稀有硬币。The gold sovereign has become a rare coin nowadays.

我不做威胁、我信守诺言,因为我是你们的主权者。I make no threats I keep Promises AS YOUR SOVEREIGN.

投资者似乎在主权债务问题上尚未下定决心。Investors seem to be in two minds on sovereign debt.

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至尊宝假戏真做,找到真爱。Sovereign treasure stark reality, to find true love.

那件上面龙的图案就象征着王权。The dragon pattern on it symbolized sovereign power.

的主权债券市场一片混乱。The euro-denominated sovereign bond market is a mess.