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一个真正朋友的价值是无法估量的。The value of a true friend is not estimable.

他是一个难能可贵而又可爱的年轻人。He is an estimable and likeable young fellow.

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森林灾害是可以计量的经济损失。The forest disasters are estimable economic losses.

你是按照按自己认为是可值得尊敬的方式去行动来获得的自尊。You get healthy self-esteem from behaving in ways that you find estimable.

这是一种爱、一种博大的爱,又是一种难能可贵的精神品质。This is one kind of love , one kind of vast love , is one kind of estimable spirit quality.

当晚许多重量级的专家都出席了会议并发表了演说,但随着夜幕降临,我逐渐失去了注意力。There was a long slate of estimable speakers but as the evening wore on I began to lose attention.

您不仅是一个优秀的运动员,您对其他人非常尊重,这正是您可贵的地方。You are not only a good player, you respect others very much, these estimable quality is your most amazing place.

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一个深沉复杂的人,未必比你这样的人更难叫人捉摸。It does not necessarily follow that a deep, intricate character is more or less estimable than such a one as yours.

今天大众依然这么认为,其中不乏可敬的学者和知识分子。Multitudes today still regard the Scriptures in that fashion, not least among them estimable scholars and intellectuals.

运用随机博弈及可评估的结构动态规划技术建立动态客户关系管理的数学模型。The dynamic CRM model is presented by using stochastic game theory and estimable structural dynamic programming technologies.

近年有的厂家改用化学染料,坚持用植物染料的作坊变得难能可贵。In the recent years some factories use chemical dyestuff and the mills adhering to use indigo become estimable and commendable.

正是由于我矛的盾,我认为那些可敬的大学校长们没有给调低饮酒年龄提供一个有说服力的例子。Since I'm ambivalent, my take is that the estimable college presidents have not made a persuasive case for lowering the drinking age.

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如果联系痴情女子负心汉的古话,就会更加发现这一形象的难能可贵。Relating the Chinese old saying of "a woman is infatuated with a faithless man" to the story, we will find his image estimable further.

那要看情况了,一个性格复杂的人,很难说是否就比你这样的人更值得受人尊重。That is as it happens. I does not necessarily follow that a deep, intricate character is more or less estimable than such a one as yours.

那得看情况说话。一个深沉复杂的人,未必比你这样的人更难叫人捉摸。That is as it happens. It does not necessarily follow that a deep, intricate character is more or less estimable than such a one as yours.

更多地运用法社会学方法,将使外国行政法学这种可贵的学术资源得到更有效的利用。The methods of applying legal sociology more will make the foreign science of administrative law, the estimable academic resources better used.

本文研究了一般的随机效应多元线性模型中线性可估函数的最优线性无偏估计。In this paper we investigated optimal linear unbiased estimation of the linear estimable function in general multivariate random effect linear model.

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“我的儿子啊,别踢,”蒂斯罗克说,“而你,值得尊重的首相,不论他踢不踢你,无论如何也不要中断你滔滔不绝的议论。"Desist, O my son, " said the Tisroc. "And you, estimable Vizier, whether he desists or not, by no means allow the flow of your eloquence to be interrupted.

这是战争起源论上的一种朴素唯物主义和朴素辩证的观点,先秦时代就能达到这样的认识高度,是十分难能可贵的。This is a kind of naive materialism and simple and dialectical view on the origin theory of a war, era Qin first can reach such understanding height, very estimable.

我那些为人敬重的朋友们对此一清二楚,他们自会告诉诸位,我的所作所为他们自然津津乐道,有些事情我并不后悔。Estimable friends who know all about it would tell you and take a certain delight in telling you things that I have done, and things further that I have not repented.