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这是一个彻头彻尾的利己主义者。That is the perfect Egoist.

两者驱使他成为一个极端的利己主义者。Both drives him to become an extreme egoist.

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自负的人是自己最好的朋友。An egoist is a person who is his own best friend.

约翰是个自私的人,他只关心他自己。John is such an egoist that he only cares about himself.

我只希望你不要总是表现得像个自我主义者。I just wish you wouldnt act like such an egoist all the time.

暂时做个自私的人,也比从来不曾公正要好。It is better to be temporarily an egoist than never to be just.

我是十足的利己主义者,女人只是帮我做梦的,仅此而已。I'm too much of an egoist. Women only help me to dream, that's all.

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我是一个自我主义者而且是个顽固的人,我会为我能得到的机会而努力的!I'm an egoist and a stubborn person and I'll fight to the end for any chance I can get.

一堆极度自卑的复杂问题产生了这么一个极度膨胀的利己主义者,显示出了其李光耀主义的智慧。And so a hyper-inflated egoist from hyper-INFERIORITY Complex issue book after book to show cause of its LKYism wiseDOOM!

一个人如果能够集中自己的想法与希望超越自我就有可能在日常的琐碎生活中得到一丝宁静,而这对于纯粹的利己主义者来说是绝对不可能的。The man who can centre his thoughts and hopes upon something transcending self can find a certain peace in the ordinary troubles of life which is impossible to the pure egoist.

通过应用选择权的观念推导三种不同的绩效诱因契约设计,对于抑制经理人自利性风险调整行为倾向有较好的效果。Applying the idea of option incentives, this paper derives three different performance-based incentive contract designs that prove effective in constraining the egoist risk-adjustment behavior.