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犊牛,羔羊,仔猪和马驹。Calf, Lamb, Piglet and Foal.

黄家驹为什么那么不快乐?Home Huang foal why so joyless ?

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我是一匹小马驹。我是你的孙女。I'm a foal. I'm your granddaughter.

在高高的石围墙面前小马驹停步不前。The foal balked at the high stone fence.

母马怀孕时不能骑。Mares may not be ridden when they are with foal.

邻居的母驴怀上小驴驹了。Our neighbour's female donkey is carrying a foal.

母马将永远没有产生一个小马驹之前的时间。No mare shall ever produce a foal before it's time.

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你会得到小马驹和100个达科特银币的。You'll have the foal and the hundred silver ducats!

第二大的母驴刚刚产下一只小驴。The second largest mare has just given birth to a foal.

一匹野马和她的幼驹站在雾茫茫的英格兰荒野上。A horse and foal stand out against the gray of the English moors.

助产士必须满了你的小马驹在胡说傻瓜地位。Midwives must reach the babbling fool status before you foal out.

从小马驹出生那一刻起,它面临的需要仅仅是生存。From the moment a foal is born, it faces demands simply to survive.

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因此,占有领土的雄马有很多当父亲的机会。Thus, the territorial male has several chances to father a new foal.

在篮球赛中,杰里的犯规给了对方一个自由投篮的机会。In the basketball game, Jerry's foal played into the opponent's hands.

他遇到的第一样东西是一只在田野里奔跑着的棕色小马驹。The first thing he met was a brown foal running about the fields at large.

小马驹向林婴婴讲述了家族遭受劫难后不堪回首的往事。The foal to Lin Ying baby tells the story of the family after disaster in the past.

小马驹反驳说,他让那些孩子剥夺了自我意识和自由意志。The foal retorted that he let the children deprived of self-awareness and free will.

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马场主人朱蒂·史密斯说,这里出生的小马平均有21英寸高,18磅重。The average miniature horse foal stands 21 inches tall at birth and weighs 18 pounds.

“可怜的小牲口,”马儿用比较温和的语调说道,“我忘了你不过是头小驹子。"Poor little beast, " said the Horse in a gentler tone. "I forget you're only a foal.

不,不对,它就站在我的种马旁边,当然就是种马的小马驹,所以它是属于我的!No, that's not true! It was standing close to the stallion, so it's the stallion's foal.