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这是真实的冷驱动。It is a really cool derivation.

这种连接并不只是衍生性的。The connexion is not a simple derivation.

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现在推导大致需要约五六分钟。It's about a five, six minutes derivation.

所以我不会写出所有推导过程。So I won't write out the whole derivation of it.

大辞典往往提供词条的词源。A big dictionary often gives the derivation of words.

前件推导是定理证明的一种扩展。Antecedent derivation is an extension of theorem proving.

此剪切模量是粘性的一部分。The shear modulus is part of the derivation of viscosity.

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词干推导不会应用到词汇表之外的词汇。Stem derivation is not applied to out-of-vocabulary words.

后衍化为三支王姓族派。Empress the derivation sends for three king's surname clans.

我们要进行的就是,一个很简单的数学推导。And so what I'll go through i s a simple mathematical derivation.

林部长于是就要用老郑引出帅飘。Minister Lin so LaoZheng derivation handsome in gone with the wind.

本文从相律推导出发,考察了如何正确表达相律。From the derivation of the Gibbs phase rule. its expression is studied.

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英语有大量的合成词和派生词。English has a lot of words which are made by composition and derivation.

蚊媒孳生环境遥感分类和遥感信息提取研究。RS image classification and information derivation of mosquito habitats.

对非刚性双原子分子的能量表达式给出一种简明的推导。A concise derivation of energy formula of diatomic molecules is proposed.

这是一个派生词。你能说出它的词根、前缀和后缀吗?。This word is a derivation. Can you point out its root, prefix and suffix?

第二章写七月七日风俗的产生与衍化。Chapter II focuses on the generation and derivation of the customs on July 7.

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题画诗是一种典型的中国文化的派生物。Poesy on Chinese painting is a kind of typical derivation of Chinese culture.

对于更高阶的方法,可采用类似的方法加以推导。For a much hig- her order method, the derivation can be made in a similar way.

本文建立了浸入水中输运流体管道耦合振动微分方程。In the derivation both the induced vibration and couple vibration were considerd.