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我切出呢?Am I cutting out?

把插枝扦插泥炭中。A cutting in a peat bog.

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他们在挖掘一条水渠。They are cutting a canal.

盘扣。剪纸的形式为主。The form of paper cutting.

我们用刀来切割。We use knives for cutting.

原来是在剪脚趾甲。She's cutting her toenails.

你喜欢用刀割人么?You like cutting people up?

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他们在削减盈利,And they're cutting a profit.

我仍然热爱剪接底片。I still love cutting on film.

那么,你赞成先减税。So you start by cutting taxes.

这把刀是用来切面包的。The knife is for cutting bread.

他擅长打下旋球。He's good at cutting underspins.

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这些插枝都已经腐烂了。The cutting have all fogged off.

我们承揽切纸加工业务。We supply cutting paper service.

这把刀是用来切乳酪的。This knife is for cutting cheese.

这里我走个捷径。And here I am now cutting corners.

他正在长恒齿。He is cutting his permanent teeth.

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你要刀干什么?我想削东西。I want a knife for cutting things.

修剪死皮对指甲有害么?Is cutting cuticles bad for nails?

切割是平茬、收获的关键环节。The cutting is the key to harvest.