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看着像一台缩版的专业烘焙机。It looks like a scaled down professional roaster.

烘焙炉是好,它教你的使用方法却不好。The roaster is good, the way you are told to use it isn't.

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经过约8分钟,焙烧炉,“第一弹出”出现。After about 8 minutes in the roaster , the "first pop" occurs.

商界代表们将参观堪萨斯城的一家咖啡烘烤店。Business delegates will visit a coffee roaster in Kansas City.

本实用新型涉及一种锌精矿沸腾焙烧炉。The utility model relates to a zinc concentrate fluidized roaster.

我们的产品函盖电饭锅、电烤炉、搪瓷餐具等。Our products cover rice cooker, roaster oven, enamel dishware, etc.

采用CCP系统实现沸腾炉自动控制,大大减少了升华硫和酸雾的生成。CCP system is adopted to realize the autocontrol of fluidized bed roaster.

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对于初学烘焙者来说,最好的学习标准是声音。The best indicators for the new coffee roaster learning the process is sound.

烧烤板,烧烤装置,用于该装置的盖和生产所述板和盖的方法。Hotplate, roaster, cover used for the roaster and method for manufacturing the hotplate and the cover.

硫酸装置沸腾炉冷却管组穿孔的危害极大。Hole forming in the cooling bundles of the fluidized bed roaster in sulfuric acid plant is very harmful.

最后,对盘式连续焙烧器在山东铝业公司的应用情况进行了分析。Finally, the application of pan continuous drying roaster in Shandong Aluminum Company has been analyzed.

根据您使用的烘烤器类型,您可能在烤的过程期间期待微妙的区别。Depending on the type of roaster you are using, you can expect subtle differences during the roasting process.

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上司要求我安排出今年的休假日程表,并且要求尽可能让每个人…I've been asked to draw up the holiday roaster this year and, as far as possible, I'd like to please everybody.

为减少磨损,沸腾炉内蒸发管采用加焊半圆形钢板防磨。Semicircle steel sheets were welded on the wall of evaporation pipes in fluidized bed roaster for anti-abrasion.

如果当地的咖啡店能符合这些特征,就为现成的销售提供了机会。If the local roaster has the ability to comply with these specifications, there is an opportunity for a ready sale.

本发明公开了一种可控制烹饪食物油脂的电烤炉。The present invention discloses one kind of electric roaster capable of controlling the oil content of cooked food.

一些关键的东西,你要好自为之,同时焙烧炉买咖啡机是你个人使用是否适合你的要求。Apart from that you need to check if there is a condiments tray and if the coffee roaster machine comes with cups or not.

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了解如何准备这个免费的在线视频剪辑的这种缓慢的熟鸡肉食谱烹饪技巧专家焙烧炉。Learn how to prepare the roaster for this slow cooked chicken recipe with expert cooking tips in this free online video clip.

介绍了中型高压焙烧炉设计的几个工艺参数的确定及炉体结构。The determination of the technological parameters of medium-sized pressure roaster design and stove structure were introduced.

了解如何把食品中添加了这种缓慢的熟鸡肉食谱烹饪技巧专家焙烧炉在这个免费的在线视频剪辑。Learn how to add the food to the roaster for this slow cooked chicken recipe with expert cooking tips in this free online video clip.