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创新是否能够重新搞活缺血的农业融资。Can innovations reignite anemic rural finance?

这一发现可能会重新点燃在墨西哥的转基因辩论。The discovery could reignite the GM debate in the country.

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一个重燃你对真爱信念的好方法是投入浪漫或者伤感的电影。A good way to reignite your belief in true love is to turn to romantic or sad films.

这位前法国u21国家队成员期望着自己能在希腊完成自我救赎。Former France U21 international Plessis will now be hoping to reignite his career in Greece.

今晚,红军即将对阵曼城,而这场比赛关系到了利村的欧战席位。Liverpool hosts Manchester City tonight as they look to reignite their push for a European spot.

通常,只需一点努力,你就可以重燃当你第一次按下"发表"按钮时感受的那种激情。Often, with a little effort, you can reignite the same passion you felt when you first hit that “Post” button.

在经历08-09赛季伤病阴霾后,内梅特希望他在新加坡梅开二度能够再次点燃他在利物浦前途。Krisztian Nemeth hopes his two goals against Singapore will reignite his Liverpool career after an injury hit 2008-09.

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南非收购案的事态发展是否会再次引发在沃尔玛的美国本土店成立工会的大争辩,我们还得拭目以待。It remains to be seen if the developments in South Africa will reignite the debate of unionization in Wal-Mart's U.S. stores.

市场也可能会重燃希望,因为一些美国立法者会考虑对低估汇率的贸易伙伴进行惩罚。They may also reignite calls among some U.S. lawmakers for measures to punish trading partners perceived to have undervalued exchange rates.

是啊,我在纽卡很糟糕,我的职业生涯原本不错,现在我觉得曼联能让我峰回路转。No, I probably had a poor spell up at Newcastle but prior to that, my career was very good and I'm sure a top club like this can reignite my career.

在绕行灶神星轨道一年后,黎明号将施展航天探索中少有的绝技——它将重新点燃发动机向另一个天体的轨道进发。After spending a year in orbit around Vesta, Dawn will perform a trick rare in space travel—it will reignite its engines and head off to orbit another body.

伯明翰在同富勒姆竞争德姆贝莱受挫后,重燃了对于利物浦边锋巴贝尔的兴趣。Birmingham City are set to reignite their interest in Liverpool winger Ryan Babel after being snubbed by Fulham target Moussa Dembele, according to skysports. com.

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油价慢慢攀向三位数,令人担心经济成长可能放缓,长久以来的货币政策之争势必会再度搬上台面Crude prices creeping back into the triple digits have sparked concern about slower economic growth and will no doubt reignite two long-running monetary policy debates

喀士穆和前南方叛乱组织都不想重新引燃非洲历时最久的内战——他们都需要借助对方的力量,生产为各自政权带来资金的石油。Neither Khartoum nor the former southern rebels wants to reignite Africa's longest civil war – they depend on each other to produce the oil that bankrolls both regimes.

特别是对于专业中产阶级而言,创新方面的一项突破和对更快经济增长的回报会解决很多问题,而且很可能重新激发收入的增长。For the professional middle class in particular, an uptick in innovation and a return to faster economic growth would solve many problems, and likely reignite income growth.

实际上,在肯尼亚和津巴布韦等国家,缺乏现代政党机构领导下的民主之战重新挑起了酝酿许久的种族间的怨恨。And in fact, in countries such as Kenya and Zimbabwe, the struggle for democracy in the absence of modern party institutions has only helped reignite long-simmering ethnic grievances.

在弗莱舍的二度指导下,他奉献了严格平民化的表演,但是该影片因许多剥削场景而无法上映,未能重新点燃柯蒂斯的职业生涯。Again under Richard Fleischer's direction, he gave a rigorously deglamorized performance, but the film was dismissed as exploitative in many quarters and failed to reignite Mr. Curtis's career.

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在弗莱舍的二度指导下,他奉献了严格平民化的表演,但是该影片因许多剥削场景而无法上映,未能重新点燃柯蒂斯的职业生涯。Again under Richard Fleischer’s direction, he gave a rigorously deglamorized performance, but the film was dismissed as exploitative in many quarters and failed to reignite Mr. Curtis’s career.

在光明球场的另人心碎的失利重燃了曼联的进攻之火,在接下来的27场比赛中,他们狂灌了60球,场均2.2个进球。The heartbreak of defeat in the Stadium of Light served to reignite United's attacking prowess, and they have plundered 60 goals in the proceeding 27 games, at an average of 2.2 goals per game.

这次误判势必激起关于引起门线技术的争论,是役亦在现场观战的国际足联主席布拉特早在今年三月份就宣布将此议题永久搁置。The incident is bound to reignite the debate over goal-line technology which Sepp Blatter, who was at today's match, sought to draw a line under in March when it was kicked into the long grass.