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我几乎没咽气。I hardly breathed.

我几乎不认识你。I hardly know you.

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他几乎说不没话往。He can hardly speak.

他们几乎坐不住。They hardly sit still.

我几乎无法抬起它。I could hardly lift it.

我简直不理解她!I hardly comprehend her!

我几乎没吃过面包!I hardly ever eat bread!

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我根本就不认识他!I hardly know him at all!

斯尼非简直等不及了!Sniffy could hardly wait!

气体几乎没有重量。Gas has hardly any weight.

我几乎很少见到的室友。I hardly see my housemates.

网吧几乎没有。There is hardly cyber-cafe.

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简直连话都不跟你说。Hardly even to speak to her!

几乎没剩什么钱了。There hardly any money left.

这个决定几乎成为了一个游戏的改变者。That's hardly a game changer.

我们全已迫不及待。We can hardly wait, you know.

但他这一瞥几乎什么都没看到。But he’d hardly glanced at it.

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为了这些东西而冒坐牢的风险可不太值得。Hardly worth risking jail for.

今早我根本就没怎么看到你。I hardly saw you this morning.

禀性难移。Human nature is hardly changed.